Henry Payne for March 28, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Any idea how many were killed in ’Nam, just being sent out to recover the bodies of those killed before them, so families would have “closure”? Bergdahl may have been a jerk, but he was an American one, and folks back here were demanding his return as in “no man left behind”.

    I’m sure glad nobody got hurt because Jolly Ollie and Reagan gave Iran weapons and materials, like those used against our troops in Beirut. They also didn’t have anything to do with supporting Al Qaeda when the sent stingers to bin Laden’s folks and friends, right?

    Oh, right, there weren’t any hostages, Reagan just wanted to support Contras, who were taking hostages.

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  2. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  about 9 years ago

    1) Do conservatives realize that when they write things down and publish them, they will be readable even after they’ve changed their minds? They were screaming for Bergdahl to be rescued right up to the moment the memo went out that it was time to scream that he shouldn’t have been rescued.

    2) “Six men died.” This has been asserted, but nobody can find anybody who actually died bringing him back. Again, conservatives have their own set of ‘facts.’

    3) Guilt or innocence is determined through proper channels, not by the word of some random soldier with a grudge. Now that he’s home, he is subject to trial like anyone else.

    4) According to all applicable laws, the inmates freed from Gitmo would have had to have been sent back to their countries anyway. That is the law, which any president is bound to obey. We got him back in exchange for people they would have gotten anyway.

    5) Please show me where you were 100 times as outraged over the 500 detainees released from Gitmo under GW Bush, many of whom went on to fight against us. To clarify: I am not pointing to Bush in order to smear him, but to point out the hypocritical selective rage being vented now by those who (see #1) were foaming at the mouth earlier because Obama wasn’t freeing Bergdahl fast enough.

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  3. Wrong
    BaltoBill  about 9 years ago

    Say SOMETHING or say nothing.You just gave a poor example of what you preach.

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  4. Missing large
    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    Hey, Harley and the other ultra conservatives here. Why not just wait and see what comes out of a court martial military trial (since you always believe anything the military says or does anyway). Certainly, the military will find him guilty of treasonous actions, if he is so guilty. At that point you can reasonably castigate him all that you want, but realize that neither our own military nor the president knew at all just how guilty or innocent he was when he was rescued, and without that rescue NOBODY would ever know the truth. Unless you would rather beiieve our sworn enemies, rather than our own military!!

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Evidently, the trial is over and Bergdahl has been convicted of all charges — and more.

    And, of course, the mandatory Hatred Of Obama.

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