Joel Pett for March 28, 2015

  1. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 9 years ago

    “Oh , and our company health plan covers viagra but no birth control.”

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  2. Wrong
    BaltoBill  about 9 years ago

    “… are good at using misinformation”.

    You mean like “abortion causes cancer”

    .. and victims of rape can use their free will to avoid the resulting pregnancy.

    … and evolution is a hoax, fossils were deliberately “planted evidence.”

    When big business flourishes it “trickles down” and everyone benefits. After all a rising tide lifts ALL boats.

    Yeah, those darn libruls with all of their mis-information.

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  3. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member about 9 years ago

    So Pretty women are not smart and can’t speak well? But you’re not sexist at all? and probably not racist at all because you are the accuser and judge on those issues.

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  4. Missing large
    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    Gee, that is interesting news. Only the other day a pol of pols was showing her as the run-away choice of not only Democrats, but also most moderates of either political disposition, who are the ones that will (as usual) decide the eventual election for the POTUS. Not only that, but at the same time she is still the choice by a minimum of 10 per entage points over ANY current Republican choice for that office. And like all the other attacks from the ultra right wing section of the Republican Party (about 20% of all voters), this email thing will eventually prove out to be nothing but hot air (or emails if you please). There are only two things that could stop her at this time, her absolute decision not to run (still a possiblity, and knowing just how president Obama has been treated by Congress I would not blame her at all for not wanting the bloody job either), or health issues, which at her age are always a possibility.

    On the other hand the Republican Party has an almost insurmountable problem. That is in order to win the actual nomination, their candidate must move totally to the right, as no other condidate will satify that 20% under any circumstances. Then in the main election said candidate must move back towards the middle of the political spectrum to have any chance of winning the gneral election, without being labeled a flip-flopper in the mean time. An almst impossible task for any politician as shown by Milt Romney’s 2012 defeat. Heck, I actually think he did do a pretty good job to make the general election even as close as it was! You supposedly being a logical personm should be able to see this reality as easily as a moderate voter such as myself can see that particular political reality. As, I would bet all of those women voluteering for Hilery Clinton’s campaign certainly can. Women certainly can be just as logical as men!!

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  5. Missing large
    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    I would be happy to take that bet (as I have to have all of my limited funds for my famnily, no tmoney invelved), for if she runs, and her health remains good, she is going to be the next presdient of the USA. Count on it. The only remote possibility that will not happen if those two conditions are fulfilled, would be if the Republicans can come up with an actual moderate and viable Republican candidate, and somehow get such a candidate past the Tea Party types. Do you really, in your heart of heats, think that is going to happen? The last such candidate (and yes, I would really have seriously considered voting for him) was Jon Huntsman, and you saw ju thow far he got in the Republican Primaries. I am actualy sorry but the Republican Party has so become taken over by the right wing extremists (and, as you state in your posts, you are not one of them, and I choose to believe you) that they are no longer even a viable choice for most Americans. I truly wish it were otherwise, but it isn’t. At least not at this time, but there are still some 18 or so months to go, and hopefully, this might even change….!!

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  6. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 9 years ago

    Is there ANYTHING righties won’t answer by changing the subject?

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