Nick Anderson for February 04, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    1.5 billion Muslims. Approximaly 1 billion Roman Catholics when the IRA was in it’s “heyday”, like still planting bombs in 1992. Terrorists come in many stripes, and don’t represent all of “their kind” either tigers, or zebras.

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    veronique auzon engel  over 9 years ago

    Islam is 800 years behind Christianity; give it chance to put some order into their political system that brainwashes and enslaves the 1.5 billion poor sods that call themselves Muslim, and that, from the very moment of birth. Look at how long it took us.And, of course, it’s for from being over; let’s not ignore, although we should, the Christian conservatives and their incesant proselytism.Get out of our lives and stop trying to push your religious beliefs down our throats in the public place. Keep it in the places of worship and in the home.

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    veronique auzon engel  over 9 years ago

    “But a schism between Bedouin communities and the state is growing, especially over police-enforced evictions of residents from unrecognized villages. Young Bedouin are increasingly unwilling to serve in the army – and those who do are becoming embarrassed to talk about it.

    In the past year, Bedouin enlistment from the Negev area of southern Israel has dropped 40 percent, according to Col. Wajdi Sarhouan, commander of the IDF’s Population Administration, who declined to divulge the precise number of Bedouin inductees."


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    cdward  over 9 years ago

    I’m always amazed that so many commenters imagine all violence (or even most) is religiously motivated. Religion is frequently used to justify it, true, but I am positive there would be just as much and just as horrible violence if there had never been any religion at all. And we westerners have no room to judge other cultures. As others have pointed out, we in the west invented most of the most horrible forms of murder. We have invented, or at least previously employed burning alive, crucifying, beheading, drawing and quartering, gassing, electrocuting, shooting, scalping, and so on. Americans were particularly good at subduing and exterminating the indigenous people, even intentionally employing biological warfare. This does not in any way justify what ISIS did – but we can not imagine that they are novel in their horror or that we are really any better.

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    JohnHarry Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Always nice to know that racism and antisemitism are alive and well and reading comics.

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    canFunny  over 9 years ago

    Nick didn’t do enough research for his cartoon; who teaches the extremists, I doubt that what they are doing just comes spontaneously to their minds. Spite of our religious believes here in the west we still look at the whole situation from secular eyes, we separate ourselves from religion because that is what we have been taught. The Muslim Imans do not teach that, to them religion is inseparable from government or private life. The conquest of the world by any means is still fundamentally a doctrine taught regularly, and muslims in general either support the system or die, and I have serious doubts they’ll put their own lives or their families in peril, those who have had the courage to stand against have suffered dearly. The point is we need to focus on the Imans are doing.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    ^^^^ Where’s that happening today?There’s no comparison.There might be some weird tiny cult of pretend Christians that teach hate and killing innocent people.For Muslims, it’s a couple Hundred Million that either support terrorism or just don’t really mind it.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Re Flex: Radical Zionists invented the “bicycle bomb” to kill British soldiers, and kids, etc.

    The KKK is a “nice Christian”(No Catholics allowed) group that is actually still active, along with other U.S. hate groups, a number of whom are “Christian based”.

    The point of this ’toon is that radical factions within a religion are the sole and only focus of anyone outside the group, hate makes the exceptions the rule.

    Sioux vs Sioux (different sub-tribes), Hutu vs Tutsi, France vs Spain, “tribalism” on different population scales, and yes, “nationalism” is a form of tribalism, Seahawk vs Patriot fans, same thing. Riots are also an ancient tradition.

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    dzw3030  over 9 years ago

    To paraphrase Lady Liberal, “At this point, what difference does all this history make?” There is a very large group of murderers who have support from an even larger group of people trying to dominate the world. They have murdered thousands, beheaded innocents, murdered young people for watching a soccer match and posted video of burning a man alive. Hello, is anybody out there awake?

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  10. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 9 years ago

    "and yes, they are Christians…. just bad ones.”

    Should we accept your explanation excusing Christians but not accept Muslims disavowing the actions of others who kill in their name and who condemn them as non-Muslims? Hypocrite.

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    veronique auzon engel  over 9 years ago

    Hit the nail on the head.

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