Matt Davies for February 02, 2015

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    Odon Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Merely heavily influenced by man.

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    JDave   over 9 years ago

    To all the never wrong people: Were you lying then or lying now?

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    Kip W  over 9 years ago

    2040: An overstrained austere conservative world government has only enough resources left to send a rocket into space, bearing a plaque that blames Democrats for the demise of Earth.

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    I’ve said this before… So what? Who honestly cares? Why so much passion for the “debate”?.Why not just focus on making eco-friendly tech efficient and affordable? Why is no one interested about falling gas prices and it’s effects on development of alternative fuel vehicles? Isn’t that more worthy of discussion?.It should scare everyone witless for the economy to be so dependent on fuel prices and yet here we are yamming like 12 year olds debating their favorite video game systems…

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    Motivemagus  over 9 years ago

    I’ve concluded there is no reason to even discuss with the ridiculous deniers; their only remaining argument is “I don’t wanna!” The “thoughtful” ones claim there are good reasons for their denial, but can’t really cite any that use real science. The ones frothing at the mouth somehow want it to be all a big conspiracy to take money away from the rich. News flash: reducing our dependence on fossil fuels has huge ADVANTAGES for the wealth of our nation, and will disempower the Arab nations to which we are so closely tied.I would like a discussion of HOW we address it, since that is where actual, informed people are going, but as long as people are battling the initial idiocy, they are blocking the real work.

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    I was hoping for six weeks of winter, because in our region, in the last three years, we’ve had a total of 5- FIVE days of typical winter temps and precip as snow. Also been monitioring climate change and human impacts, for over five decades; yes it’s real yes it’s been cooling in some regions/areas and warming in others over those decades, the growth of human impacts, with a lull started by Nixon actually, has reversed, and now heat is the global, not just regional, problem.

    Deniers aren’t just wrong and manipulated like Pla-Doh, they’re basically just stupid, refusing to read facts and end ignorance…

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  7. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    2004: In an effort to stop the rising fears about changing weather patterns, then president George W. Bush appointed a panel to find out what was happening with so many recent climactic anomolies. When this group made it’s report, Bush and Cheney saw that even these scientists were affected by the leftist fear-mongers! To calm the public, they were forced to change, edit those reports, from such volatile claims as “evidence points to a significant rise in carbon dioxide” to a less fearful “studies suggest a possibility that..” , and water down all the data in the report to re-assure the public that there was no cause for alarm. “The matter needs more study” said our president.And here we are. Still, the lefty extremists want our industries to spend more money to cut down on pollutants into our atmosphere, cutting into profits, and costing more jobs! I live in the Northeast, near the ocean, and I don’t see any smog! And how dare these socialist nerds think that Man can alter what GOD created?President Bush assured us that all was, and is well. And that’s good enough for me!

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    lonecat  over 9 years ago

    Thanks for the one-minute tutorial. I’m not a scientist, but I know a lot of scientists and they all say that the case is overwhelming. I’ve done some homework myself and insofar as a non-scientist can have a position, I’m persuaded. Our friend martens has also directed me to interesting research on ocean chemistry. I have challenged the deniers over and over again to post links to solid science on their side, and over and over I get nothing from them. If they are so sure, why can’t they so us the evidence?

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    2599745  over 9 years ago

    and the coal is used to make electricity to re-charge emission-free (electric) vehicles that the libs are smug about. Emissions are just relocated.

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    twclix  over 9 years ago

    Harley, you are a real card, aren’t you. Just as cute as a button with your certitude and passion on this topic. I have often wondered why you’re so intensely focused on this? Do you own energy equities? Do you work for the O&G sector? you always seem to be able to come up with spurious references and strange conclusions. I have no particular dog in this fight, really, except for urging adaptation. You are right that climate is a hugely complex and nonlinear phenomemon, making it really hard to definitively establish causality. But your passion for the blatant disregard of the preponderance of the evidence is an interesting example of how stubborn a belief can become over time. Of course, on this topic, you’ll never relent because your ego couldn’t take the shock, and definitive answers will always be difficult to establish. But have you ever changed your mind about something? It’s hard to believe your life is so predictable and linear that cognitive dissonance never sets in. But apparently that’s the case here. But keep it up, my man! You’re always one of the most comical posters here with your “foolish consistency” as Emerson would have put it. That’s Ralph Waldo, in case you wanted to look it up.

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    Taste the air Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I am very glad to see trying to make sense instead of fragmented thoughts. When you write in complete sentences I can understand what you mean. I don’t necessarily agree with you but, at least I understand you have a point of view that is thought out.

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