Michael Ramirez for January 28, 2015

  1. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 9 years ago

    It’s just a flesh wound…

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    Observer fo Irony  over 9 years ago

    Those people voted to work in the swamp are too busy thinking that they are in charge to actually do anything so why bother to complain about them.

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Ah, you are mistaken. The Repubs had many people working as “observers” at election polls in Democratic districts.

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  4. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Say, MICHAEL RAMIREZ. Just once, will you draw a ‘toon about the CEO’s who have shipped millions of jobs overseas, to India, China and Eastern Europe, to save money on wages, benefits and enviromental laws, laid off workers while awarding themselves “retention bonuses”?.I’m betting you don’t have the balls to do any such thing!!!

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 9 years ago

    He also hit Mitt’s target, ahead of schedule.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    You bring up a fair argument here: “I think what is being complained about is the abuse, neglect and exploitation of the poor by the rich that has good people worked up.”But that argument only holds water if you can prove they are exploiting them. We don’t live in a country that is beholden to a caste system. We don’t have serfs. No one forces them to work at these jobs. You want better, fight your way to the top. I have.If you want to talk about exploitation, let’s talk about the current tax system, shall we? My wife and I, after our bonuses and pay raises, are looking to clear 6 figures this year for the first time in our lives. I can tell you I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. My first job was working at Hardee’s (aka Carl’s Jr). I busted my butt for minimum wage, and received a pay raise 2 months in. All through my life I’ve scratched and clawed my way up to where I’m at now.Now, by many people’s definition, I am considered, “wealthy,” and am taxed at that “wealthy” rate. I don’t feel like I am wealthy. And I sure as heck earned my way to it, having spent the better part of 20 years of my life getting here. So why is it fair that my family must do without simply by virtue of my wife and I being successful? Why is it fair that someone like yourself has the right to take money from my family and give it to someone else who didn’t work as hard as I did? It’s a crock. The concept that I am somehow a bad person because I do not want to give my money — money I’ve earned for my family — to some schmuck who can’t be bothered to get a job and start where I started, or keep their legs closed so they don’t have more children at 17 years old, is intellectually and morally bankrupt. I am not their parent. I am not responsible for their well-being; that’s their parents’ job. The tax-and-redistribute system the democrats have put into place causes hardship on people like me, and is absolutely unfair to people like me. I have a friend who is an anesthesiologist. He started the son of a carpenter. He earned his way there. But he’s wealthy now, and is taxed as such… taxed to give his hard-earned money to the poor who won’t work. Not can’t… won’t. Until we have a country where people do not abuse the system, and have a government that punishes success (which is exactly what you are suggesting with your tax ideology), you will always have resentment amongst people like us who see the government stealing money we have earned.

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    Mark Tretter  over 9 years ago

    It’s that laser like focus of his….

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  8. Chance
    jsmithnctx  over 9 years ago

    Everyone needs to realize, politicians/government does not create jobs. They only take money from individuals and businesses to line their own pockets and special projects. No matter Democrat or Republican.

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