Henry Payne for January 26, 2015

  1. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  over 9 years ago

    Not invited as Pres. Obama tends to consider facts, is a rational thinker and takes a world view on events.

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  2. Chance
    jsmithnctx  over 9 years ago

    One day, once he finds his big boy pants.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Golly, if only we had elected McCain — we wouldda invaded three or four countries by now. Even Willard the ChickenHawk would have invaded a couple.

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  4. Missing large
    DrDon1  over 9 years ago

    Is Payne concerned that Israel has nuclear weapons and that we are trying to prevent Iran from getting them? Is Payne aware of the power struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia?

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    canFunny  over 9 years ago

    @DrDon1I don’t think is Payne you have to concerned about, it’s Obama the big concern. Considering that the destruction of Israel is part of Iran’s doctrine and reason for living, and how Obama has shifted the structure of power in the middle East to make Iran the power house, it’s a very dangerous situation.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Henry IS aware the score is already several hundred to Iran’s zero, right??

    Obama was also in India saying we need to help them develop more nuclear energy projects, and they’ve got nuclear weapons pointed at Pakistan, and vice versa.

    “Atoms for Peace” was once an idea the U.S. was spreading around the world, even “pocket reactors” for small African nations to provide power.

    There is only one nation in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, and reactors generating electricity, to drive their war industry to “defend” themselves, almost constantly, by attacking their neighbors with the most sophisticated, if not largest, military force in the region.

    With natural resources and fossil fuels being what they are, with proper care, and more sophisticated and advanced “science”, nuclear power DOES, if carefully used, provide a viable alternative. We should just stop saying anyone not our “friend” can’t be trusted, when our “friends” may be LEAST TRUSTWORTHY, and that includes India and Pakistan.

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  7. Missing large
    DrDon1  over 9 years ago

    @canFunnyDo you remember that it was President G. W. Bush that removed Iraq as a “counterweight” to Iran, thereby upsetting the balance of power in the Mid East?

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  8. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Why are those football players huddling on a golf course?

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    without googling, I assume you mean the code box that travels with the President?

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^Didn’t realize the Dalai Lama was coming, churchie.

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