Henry Payne for January 17, 2015

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    A bunch of Limousine Liberals telling us what we should like and then giving speeches on how we should think.No thanks.

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  2. Cumbres toltec steam engine   tiny
    jimguess  over 9 years ago

    Yup. Go back 50 to 70 years and Hollywood was very conservative.

    Now, they are so liberal that any conservative that lets people know they are conservative is instantly banned from making any movies for life.

    Of course, crosspatch, you can’t see the current shunning of conservatives for your rose colored (read ‘liberal/progressive colored’) glasses.

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  3. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  over 9 years ago

    All I could say is: I look at the movie posters these days when I pass theaters, and there’s nothing that catches my interest..At least the “kid’s” movies stimulate the imagination! Everything else is either some blasé remake, or about large-scale destruction, or something with no plot or theme. At least is seems so to me..Even the comedies seem dumb. Not funny, just bawdy or outright gross.

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  4. Mandrake
    LOLisgood4U  over 9 years ago

    You’re a funny guy.

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  5. Missing large
    bigrafa  over 9 years ago

    Are the Oscars even relevant? Citize3n Kane is widely considered one of the greatest films ever made and got diddley at the Oscars.

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