Henry Payne for January 09, 2015

  1. Missing large
    warjoski Premium Member over 9 years ago


    BS. McCoy’s cartoon attacks Obama. This one doesn’t. You’re blaming Payne for bashing Obama for something Obama hasn’t done by bashing Payne for something Payne hasn’t done. Do you not see the problem here? ‘Well he’s gonna do it eventually’ isn’t much of a defense. You can define it as sarcasm if you wish. But it really isn’t.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    The pen was inserted into their chests this morning.

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  3. Missing large
    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    Hiram Bingham said, about 3 hours ago @Crosspatch Crosspatch said, “David wins in the end.”(HB=“Only because he cheated.”)-If this refers to the Bible report of David killing Goliath, those who believe God’s Word know that David served God all his life, and God was with David who faced the armored giant that used heavy weapons and all others were too fearful to face Golaith for that reason. When you have the God of the Bible with you for a godly mission, you do not win by “cheating”…..what, HB, David should have just surrendered and bowed his head to be chopped?-For allowing Jihadi Muslims to just move in and take over in the Western nations, not only Obama (who redirected the US federal government, beginning with NASA, to work for the easing for the Muslims entering legally and illegally) but also the MSMedia, for the upholding of PC that pre-censors real factual terms as Islamic Jihad, Muslim massacres, etc., we face emboldened Jihadis that began announcing their “war to the end” in 1979.-An enemy must be identified and profiled and fought against, in order to prevent losing our government, our land, our Freedoms. Every nation (56 to date) that “converted” to Islam, check the history books, won by the Blood of the Sword of Mohammed. Face Facts and stop the coverup of the instigator of unfair war on innocent adults, children and babies of the earth. Freedom must be won and maintained by serious defenders.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    The sling was the equivalent of a .45 caliber pistol being used against someone wielding a short sword. LIke most “heroes” of the bible, David was another in a line of homicidal sociopaths. Hmm, there’s also the thing of his singing to, and shacking up with his boss.

    Now let’s turn that story over to some cartoonists not afraid to slam that mythology, along with Paul of the New Testament, and see if we can hack off the Jewish and “Chtristian” folks.

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