Brian McFadden for December 15, 2014

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    Not only is the artwork horrible, but the terrorist sympathizer message is just ignorant.What high school newspaper does McFadden work for?

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  2. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “Democrats would have you believe that the timing of the release of the Senate Intelligence Comittee’s report was purely coincidental. The rest of us understand differently. Those who seek personal gain from disclosing Intelligence information usually get what they deserve.”1)You say that as if the alleged opportune timing excuses anything in the report. It doesn’t.2)You’re trying to deflect the impact of the report by calling into question the timing of the report, yet you don’t give reason the Dems would choose this specific time. Are we to just take it on your word?

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  3. Wrong
    BaltoBill  over 9 years ago

    “Those who seek personal gain from disclosing Intelligence information usually get what they deserve”.Then why is Dick Cheney still a free man?

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    My son and I represent two generations of “taking out” terrorists, and vigorously oppose torture, ‘cause it simply doesn’t work, which is why it’s so bloody stupid of all the chickenhawks with zero experience to cheer on Jack Bauer and Dick Cheney. Hmm, Bauer is a myth, and Cheney is a wealthy maniac ripping money literally from peoples’ guts, and of course a coward and draft dodger, which says it all about those who want to torture people.

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  5. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  over 9 years ago

    Add one generally hard core conservative 25-year USAF veteran (retired last year) to the list of those opposed to our using torture. I’ve read enough of the report to be sickened by the things contained in the redacted CIA documents. That’s not the America we are trying to protect.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    ^^So if a terrorist had your daughter being starved to death in an unknown warehouse, you would just ask pretty please Mr Terrorist tell me where she is?And if he stayed silent, you would just say “Oh well”?

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Anweir: my son’s neighbor, and best man at his wedding was SECOPS with the A.F. for a while, my son played with Navy people, I did “things” in the “other duties as assigned” category in ‘Nam. I will say “welcome home” to you after your 25 years. We come up a little different on the politcal views sometimes, and that’s fine, but unlike the bigmouths here, or in “the media” who’ve never been there, seen that, done that, or would ever be willing to, we love our country, have defended it, and part of that defense is to see that we as a nation do NOT become the very enemy we fought.

    “If I had a hammer” is a song with deep meaning for me, and my lessons from Nam are the reason.

    Merry Chrstmas to you, and yours, and may our nation receive the most important gift; vision, and the intelligence to see a better path ahead, for freedom, justice, peace, and indeed love for mankind, and indeed the world we live in, and our children, and grandchildren inherit from us.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    Jase99 said, about 13 hours ago@ConserveGovDude, get it through your head. Torture does not result in reliable information. A person will tell you any amount of BS in order to stop being tortured. I find it quite interesting that those who’ve support torture have never been tortured and those who’ve experienced it first hand oppose it.———————————————————————————————Then why do spend so much money training our soldiers on dealing with being tortured and not giving up info if torture doesn’t work anyway????

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