Matt Davies for December 10, 2014

  1. Missing large
    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    in the EI 2002 to 2009 program, 3 terrorists were water-boarded and not beheaded or crucified, as Americans and all others who offend Jihadists by being alive on earth!-EI led to intel that aided the US/Allies to destroy leading Al Qaeda groups and the assassination of bin Laden.-No second 9/11/01 has happened because of CIA and other intel gatherers, to be able to prevent planned attacks.-Even the partisan 100% Democrat “report” finds no violation of law by the CIA that can be prosecuted. And even the Democrats do not claim that Pres. GWBush knew of the water-boarding (if that actually is “torture”…..our military waterboards our military in training. But I havn’t heard of Jihadists doing waterboarding; they behead and crucify their victims. Now that is truly “torture”….and 6th century barbarism. Suicide bombings and implanted mines are also “torture” to our dead and wounded. -put the blame where it belongs. America did not start the worldwide Jihadist War. America defends as many as possible here and overseas.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    That should be Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith and others in W’s administration, NOT SAM being squeezed. ANYONE who’s actually been involved with interrogation, or SERE, will tell you torture does NOT work, it isn’t a Jack Bauer world out there, TV is BS, just like Bush’s stories and lies.

    If the Bush intel people, notably Condoleezza Ricin (worst nationa security advisor in history) had done their jobs, 9/11/01 most likely, but not definitely, would NOT have happened. Still to come could well be revelations that like 12/7/41 leading us into WW II, Bush folks could possibly have prevented 9/11/01, and the war with Iraq they planned to start, before they even took office!

    Benghazi has been asked, and well answered, many times, long ago, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the issue of illigally capturing, holding, and torturing, prisoners.

    Simply put, the Bush people told CIA what they wanted, and what to do, and those in the agency willing to “kiss boot” went up the ladder, those who said the lead up to Iraq was fraudulent, got passed over, moved, or quit.

    America has suffered in many ways because of W, and his people, “stature” is only a small part of that. With Republicans taking over Congress next year, this year’s Defense Appropriations riders is just a hint of how deceptive, and criminal to the publi interest, things are going to get. Thankfully there is the veto, and Obama is going to have to use it, a LOT!

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  3. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 9 years ago

    We lost two Towers. The other guys lost two countries. How do you like that math?

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  4. Screen shot 2018 03 04 at 8.43.30 am
    larryrhoades  over 9 years ago

    Concerning the cartoon, for certain our global stature is diminished by our torture of prisoners. Yes..Exposing our wrong-doing may not have been a good idea as that will “justify” retaliation. Better to keep it quiet and to quit it. Never again.

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  5. Missing large
    kline0800  over 9 years ago the 2-page printed article=“…in 2012, Holder….eventually came to conclude that the CIA had not committed prosecutable instances of abuse or deceit.”-The Partisan Democrat project (I heard elsewhere it cost $millions of taxpayer money) did not interview CIA people, but interviewed terrorist detainees lawyers!!!-For the first time in memory, CIA Director Brennan is scheduled to hold a press conference and allow Q-A.He will be hopefully defending the CIA and exposing the flaws in the Democrat so-called “report” which the GOP was IMO wise enough to avoid. -Already the shockwave of Democrats releasing a “traitor” IMO attack on our government is echoing around the world, with the UN demanding trials of US officials and the Moslem Jihadists gearing up to use this phony “report” in no doubt exaggerated propaganda. No good will come from this last-minute thumb-in-the-eye for the new 2015 congress from the Losers in the 2014 elections. Revenge, how bitter the aftertaste. -posters are welcome to continue ignoring my posts, but I am trying to pass along factual and necessary citizen information.

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