Steve Benson for November 28, 2014

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Yes, stepfather Louis Head, who, with Michael’s mother, both of whom helped mold this young brute, turned to the crowd behind him and yelled "Burn this (expletive) down!Yes, Ferguson does have some racial problems.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The BUSINESS owners and car OWNERS in Furguson and other cities that were looted and burned should be the ones being portrayed saying “NO!”, the step-father said burn this MF down, and the mother refuses to acknowledge that Michael Brown was a strong-armed thief thug!

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    frodo1008  over 9 years ago

    The kindest and best man I ever known was my own grand father, and he was a policeman. I was taught from my earliest age to respect the property of others, and never to steal so much as a candy bar! Obviously, I was also taught to repect the policemen’s (or now poicewoman’s) authority, and to believe that he had my own best interests at heart. My grand father once lifted an automobile from off of a man to save that man’s very life. This left him with a bad heart (and a great deal of pain) the rest of his life, but he never complained about it. He alway though he was just doing his job, but I can only imagine what the man whose life he saved thought!

    Yes, there are undoubtedly bad police, but I would bet that there are far less bad cops than robbers in our society. They are the “Thin blue line” that keeps our very civilization from crumbling into anarchy and total destruction for all of us. And therefore deserve all of our respect and thanks!

    I know that I am generally perceived as a relative liberal here, but if that opinion is a relatively conservative one, then so be it!!

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    The incident of the arrest gone wrong, of an identified criminal who attacked an officer, and resultant flap was a MEDIA event, highly orchestrated to maximize outrage, and innacurate information. Now it seems they’ve moved on.

    Racial prejudice and bigotry IS alive and well in the U.S., from all sides, that’s the sad fact, and blowing individual cases out of proportion IS the reason its so alive, again, MEDIA is more the problem than the yes, bad to terrible social and ecomic conditions that DO breed discontent.

    After years, decades actually, of the U.S. bombing in Afghanistan, Iraq, and through our proxy, Gaza, Arabs, Christians AND Muslims have no cause to resist through violence like Hezbollah, Hamas, or even the psychotic actions of ISIL. One can conclude they’re as crazy and heartless as well, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.

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    2599745  over 9 years ago

    They’re not in it for Michael, they’re in it for the loot and excitement.

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  6. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 9 years ago

    Pretty sure the mom, McSpadden, should be in jail pending trial for strong arm theft and assault with pipes against the aunt selling Michael Brown memorabilia on the street.

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