Mike Lester for November 21, 2014

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    5 Million Illegal Aliens are about to become LEGAL workers.So when the Labor Dept. brags about a “huge” number of jobs created last month(200k) it will now take years, if not a decade, of even lower wages to make up for the new illegals.Dems are full of crap when they talk about being for the average American worker. They just want future voters!Barry should be ashamed of the hurt he’s about to put on mostly African American and Hispanic(and also poor White) LEGAL blue collar workers who are barely surviving under his 6 years of reign as it is.Thanks Democrats!

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    I don’t see how this is any worse than Reagan’s amnesty. Bush tried to sidestep the issue altogether with his proposed guest worker program. Still, I don’t see anyone talking about punishing the companies who illegally hire illegal immigrants.

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    avarner  over 9 years ago

    Now they can all get jobs – if there is any…

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    If you hire an illegal alien, you have hired someone illegally. Of course, in the Obama world, there are no laws that cannot be set aside.

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    Interesting that anyone with whom you disagree is just making noise.

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    All of that is simply because Obama is the chief executive. It is his job to prosecute those who violate federal law.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    @Jase99: Despite our differences, on your post we can agree. While Obama is in the wrong for not enforcing federal law, it is the employers who are the root of the problem. If we had a system that punished them for hiring illegal/undocumented workers, there would be a smaller incentive to have them come here. But that would require a large governmental apparatus to ensure compliance. In addition, we would need to require certification of citizenship to provide other benefits, such as education, medical care, translator services, etc. We need to cut off all supply of benefits to illegal immigrants to prevent them from having any desire to come here. And while it may be the practical approach, liberals will yell and scream about how inhumane that is. Thus, eliminating incentives to come here is unrealistic, and the entire plan falls apart.@ Pea: The only people yelling and screaming about impeachment are right-wing extremists and liberals. There has been no support for impeachment in either chambers of Congress. Stop ringing that tin bell, since no one is going to do it.

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    ms-ss  over 9 years ago

    Give them amnesty but claim it isn’t. That will fool the fools!

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    He noted the EO does NOT repesent “amnesty”, REAGAN granted that. He noted restrictions, and noted though the Senate PASSED legislation, Boehner and the House Republicans refused, again, to act and support America, the American people, and the prinicples upon which this nation were founded.

    Article II of the Contitution is NOT just for Republicans in the White House (even though they repeatedly violated it).

    The facts are that Obama’s administration, as in allowing the agencies to act, has been far more successful than anything “Bush” did, as king and “unitary executive” (well except letting Dick decide).

    BTW, it was BUSH and CHENEY, who used their powers to make that middle class barrel smaller than a teacup, and speaking of stupid and con? It was they who conned the TEA party supporters to act against their own best “middle class” interests, at every turn!

    Yes, the ’toon is stupid.

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  10. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    The government will provide millions (billions?) of dollars to help people who criminally entered the country, but not the already number of homeless, unemployed, elderly or handicapped!

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    jackhs  over 9 years ago

    What’s wrong with stopping the illegals at the border.

    Too many here already!!!!!

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    The President openly stated 22 times that he didn’t have the right to declare amnesty. So now he’s calling it something else and doing it anyway. Gruber lives!

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    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    Oh because if obama said it’s not amnesty, then I guess it’s not. It’s not like he would ever out right lie to the American people. Nope he never has done that!!

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  14. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    Love how it’s always bi-partisan when Republicans vote along with Democrats & never the other way around. And it’s always obstructionist when Republicans don’t vote on the bills the liberals want voted on. Not the 380+ that the liberals squashed in the Senate!And obamacare was bi-partisan??

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