Rob Rogers for November 07, 2014

  1. Missing large
    jackhs  over 9 years ago

    Not nuts. Ignorant

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago
    “you Dems are nuts”“Not nuts. Ignorant”“Another hackneyed ‘toon.”Some Republicans are against the minimum wage, are against immigration, want to end welfare for poor people, and have made comments that can easily be interpreted as “anti-woman.” It is the actions, words, and attitudes of Republicans that make this cartoon believable.
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  3. Ministry of information taller
    Earle H Landry  over 9 years ago

    It’s not Republicans – individual people – it’s the policies of the Republican Party that are parodied in the cartoon. Personal intentions vary, but personifying the policies is what gives this cartoon its sting.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Well, if all those falling bodies had bothered to vote, this wouldn’t have happened!

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    briecke  over 9 years ago

    Harleyquinn is right! The good guys are in charge now.

    Though, he has said many times before, ‘blah, blah, blah… blame Bush. You can’t hold the past accountable for the present.’

    I am sure that his integrity and his logic will now force him to hold the repubs responsible for all the ills of the country during the time they control both houses. I look forward to your switchover, Mr. Harley!

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    And the unreasoning lib meltdown continues. Because any Republican victory is always bad for “the people”, and because the GOP did this all by themselves, without any help whatsoever from millions of angry voters, and because things were going SO DAMN WELL under the Holy Transformative Messiah. Pour another double, Mister Rogers.

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Years of kicking eveyone, and everything not good for the 1%, to the curb, has left a problem, that this new Senate WILL try to now flush over the cliff, not really another “kick” per se.

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  8. F4dump2
    Phantom Marine  over 9 years ago

    Thank you. You are quite accurate but people like Harleyquinn make up their own reality and have no idea what has happened or will be happening in the world. “They are condemned to repeat all the errors of the past” because they only wish to to believe the world they have created in their dreams.

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  9. F4dump2
    Phantom Marine  over 9 years ago

    As I have mentioned to you before, get a grip on reality instead of the false world you have created in your own little narrow mind. Go back and actually see what happened before the current president took office. Go back and see who had the great idea to take what had been a balanced budget with a small excess and use that excess to give out a tax rebate that did nothing but put us back in the red. Then he started a multi-billion $ war (for whatever reason – including some false ones) that puts us deeper in debt. These policies set up the economy for a crash (almost exactly like the one in 1929) Then his party blames the problems on the one who was supposed to fix his broken economic policies. All the time that president’s party begins by stating very clearly, “We are going to make sure that the new president will fail” They continually reject anything that he suggests, even when they may be based upon working programs by GOP leaders in other areas.Read and learn from history instead of making up your own!

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  10. F4dump2
    Phantom Marine  over 9 years ago

    My guess is that you are, in no way are paid any where near what you should be for whatever kind of work you do. That is if you even bother to work at all or just collect your money from underpaid workers who are trying to make ends meet while working 2 and 3 jobs and still taking care of a family. Put yourself in the shoes of those you seem to belittle with ease. I doubt very much if you would even be able to exist in the life of one of today’s families that are trying to make their living with a job instead of waiting for their investments to come in.

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  11. F4dump2
    Phantom Marine  over 9 years ago

    Not nearly as poor losers as the GOP (notice most of the "libs’ don’t resort to derogatory nicknames for the ‘other’ party) who have been crying about the Democratic party ever since they lost the presidency.I have been a member of the GOP for most of my life but the past 6 years have made me embarrassed with my party. We need to have the compassion and ability to look forward like our first GOP president, Lincoln. Even more the most forward looking of all GOP presidents in TR.I think we have lost that ability to really care for what is best for all Americans and not just those in power.

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