Michael Ramirez for October 31, 2014

  1. Missing large
    Observer fo Irony  over 9 years ago

    The ears seem a little low were they cut off and reattached?

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  2. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    If one knows where to read, one will find hints and clues about what U.S., Israeli and other nation’s agencies are doing to clandestinely disrupt & sabatoge Iran’s nuclear program. Just because the Pres hasn’t ordered bombing of the facilities doesn’t mean we are doing nothing.

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  3. Missing large
    ARodney  over 9 years ago

    The Iranian nuclear state is not alive, except in conservative fantasy land. Cartoon fail.

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    rnapiera  over 9 years ago

    Why stop at $15? Why not raise the minimum wage to $20, or $25? I’ve heard you liberals rant how raising the minimum wage won’t hurt small business and job growth. Why not make it $30..After all, if you’re a restaurant, pizza shop or small business of some sort you should be able to absorb the cost without raising the price you charge for goods or cutting jobs. Add to that the increased cost for healthcare since the NON-Affordable Care Act and small business should be living the dream right now...I always thought minimum wage jobs were entry level positions. It would seem logical to me that as the normal person works longer he/she develops skills that allow for raises and/or promotion to a higher paying job either at the current employer or elsewhere. Someone that has been in the workforce for 5 – 10 years shouldn’t be at minimum wage any more. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2012 only 4.7 percent of the 75.3 million workers age 16 and over who were paid hourly rates were at or below the minimum wage. Only 3% of those were older than 25. .I would hardly call the Bureau of Labor Statistics a “conservative obstructionist source”.

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  5. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    The only truly “clueless sheeple” are liberals. Unable or too lazy to think for themselves, they just keep repeating the same liberal meme ad nauseam.

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    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    The Obama administration has been talking with Iran with a goal of some kind of treaty, which makes the nearer targets of Iran very, very anxious. It makes some of us in the USA anxious.-Israel’s PM Netanyahu has been warning Obama since 2009 when O took the oath to defend America, but Obama chose to treat Netanyahu as the Obama administration’s “enemy”…-I wish we had a clone of Netanyahu to run for US Prez in ’16.

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  7. Wrong
    BaltoBill  over 9 years ago

    “What would you expect from a country that hangs rape victims.Or a country that beats women for wearing underwear?”I would expect it to be one of our biggest allies and a friend of the Bushes.You were talking about Saudi Arabia, weren’t you?

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    A word on the REAL “nuclear threat” around the world, not just in Iran, or Pakistan, South Africa, Germany, et al: “Fukushima”.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^That said; nuclear CAN be made safer, and all the talk of needing to mine additional uranium at THIS time? Yes it can be safer, and no, we do NOT need the flurry of additional mining requests, as supplies of fuel are in excess at the moment, which;

    Obama was responsible for our “lack” of oil and gas produced in the U.S., causing gas prices to rise, destroying the economy, and now that leasing actually IS UP, and production is in excess of demand in the U.S., it is Obama’s fault (according to the idiot right) that gas prices are DOWN and it’s going to destroy the economy!!

    We’re going to need energy for a long time, coal, oil, natural gas, wind, solar, hydro, tidal surge technology, geothermal, and yes, nuclear.

    When we STOP getting fossil fuels from the Middle East, Iran might actually have a different reason for developing nuclear reactors to PRODUCE ELECTRICITY SO THEY CAN SELL US THEIR OIL!!

    Hmm, now that ISIL, Ebola, volcanoes, hurricanes, Staffordshire terriers, sharks, TB, drunk drivers, meteors, and other threats to life, limb, and freedoms have receeded in the media “fear factor” regimine, we’re back to the old faithful “nuclear Iran” to set the public’s knees to knocking.

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  10. Missing large
    oneoldhat  over 9 years ago

    so bho is trading again [last time a bunch al quida king pins for 1 deserter] if iran helps fight isil they can have nukes

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  11. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  over 9 years ago

    This may be the capstone of six years of terrible foreign policy decisions by the Obama Administration.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    A note on “labor force participation rate”- among other things, a family member earning more, and allowing the other who’s been working to drop out and stay home, like to take care of the kids, makes the “statistic” look like a loss. Going back to school, or staying in school" the rate looks worse. Jobs being shipped overseas by “beneveolent” corporations, or jobs lost to computerization and robotics, the rate gets worse.

    As to the alleged numbers; 158 million are reported as on ‘governemnt benefits"? That’s pretty close to everyone of working age, and that’s been upped from 65 to 70, and well, we know nobody in America has retired.

    This is just another “mysterious” statistic, of little to no real value. Now actual unemployment rolls, that DO count those looking unsuccessfully for work, that’s significant.

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  13. Wrong
    BaltoBill  over 9 years ago

    Hilarious. I literally laughed out loud at the one about the Secret service.

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  14. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Harleyquinn: You don’t have to answer this, but I am genuinely curious. How old are you? (I’m 62)

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  15. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Iran is no longer stalling, it has terminated the negotiations. Iran has just concluded a military alliance with China. I expect there are going to be some nuclear ‘treats’ in Iran’s bag for Halloween.

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  16. Missing large
    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-said-to-be-working-with-saudi-arabia-on-iran-strike-plan/-the article prints 2 pages. The Times of Israel cites a British newspaper reporting Israel and Saudi Arabia working on plans for a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. It will have to be done by Israel and the Arabs who know they will be Iran’s target, probably in the near future.-Another article reports that the US-Iran “deal” may be signed in early November, maybe next week. With that Iranian victory, the goal will be reached sooner rather than later, IMO. -IMO Obama will give Iran an agreement to seem cooperative but will allow continued working for bomb grade enriched uranium. Sort of like Clinton gave North Korea… …..“cooperation” while continuing to finish the program to be a Nuclear Armed state.

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  17. Missing large
    rnapiera  over 9 years ago

    ‘Wow, the sheep are baaing tonight. Stepping stone got closed off buddy, people have careers at McD’s now, thanks to Republican attitudes about getting that nasty old garment and auto industry overseas and killing those evil labor unions. So be proud! Your vote helped kill America.’.I give statistics provided by your gov’t and all you come back with are unsubstantiated generalities and innuendos. Typical..1.How many people do you know that are career McDonald burger flippers? If you know a lot, than judging from the people you hang around with, I can see why your comments are so empty. When I was an E-6 over 10 in the Navy I had a friend that was the manager of 4 Taco Bells in the Norfolk area. She made several thousand more than I did every year. Even at the fast food joints you can move up and get better pay..2.I suppose high taxes (thanks to democrats)and costs of doing business had nothing to do with companies leaving the US? About 10 years ago my FIL worked for a construction union for a while. He picked up the trash. That’s all he did. For handling trash he received $21 and change union wage. Low man on the pole getting $21. That is not efficient business. I’m all for a fair wage, but keep it real..3.As for the unions. My brother is a CNC machinist. He worked for a union shop for a while. One time the light bulb blew out in his machine. He couldn’t see the work so he had to stop and call it in. He could have easily replaced the bulb himself but union rules dictated that only the electrician could change the light bulb. He sat around getting paid union scale for half a day waiting for someone to come and change a light bulb. Again, not efficient business..4.You don’t think unions are corrupt. Talk to someone that knows the Hoffa family..5.I don’t vote party, I vote ethics. I did vote for Romney, but that was done holding my nose because Obama is the worst president we have ever had. I look for the most moral candidate running and vote for him. It has meant that I have had at times to write in my vote. You can talk economics and fiscal policy until you are blue in the face, but until you get moral people in office, nothing is going to get better. Looking at both sides of the political coin today, I don’t see things getting better. .But hey, you keep your nose fully implanted in Obama’s colonoscopy. It’s obvious you like the smell there.

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  18. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member over 9 years ago

    A nuclear Iran is President Obama’s creation?That IS science fiction!

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  19. Missing large
    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    Obama’s own staffers admit his regime is to blame for the Iran mess. In the same statement where one of them called Netanyahu a filthy name, one of them is quoted as saying that it is too late to do anything about Iran now.Well, that’s another fine mess Obama has gotten us into!

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