Michael Ramirez for October 16, 2014

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    jimcates  over 9 years ago

    That must be O BAM ME What you get when all these smart people vote for color

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    Observer fo Irony  over 9 years ago

    You can only blame Obama for behaving like a lame duck president before the last year of last term. And I know a lot of ‘turkeys’ who prefer to ignore the obvious rather than do anything about it.

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    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    LOL. The Lame Duck and his ally, the Turkey!-Erdogan has been pro-Global Jihad since day one in office; and anti-Israel and for political “status” in NATO pretends to be an ally to the USA. Erdogan is more anti-Kurd than anti-ISIS. -Will the West ever wake up to the fact that whatever the group’s name, which can change on a dime, if the Muslim Brotherhood’s version of religion is taught in the local mosque, those Muslims are brainwashed continuously into becoming violent warriors with a mission to kill everyone that speaks contrary to the propaganda they worship.That mission includes recruiting every convict in prison, every disaffected youth and uses every free-world method including the internet. They use and abuse our freedoms to work for an unfree dictatorship of Sharia and choice of second-class servitude or death for “infidels”……meaning all who oppose the propaganda agenda.-I pray God raises up defenders of freedom until God the Son, the Liberator from bondage of sin and evil rulers, returns to stop Jihad completely, and to judge those who harm God’s people of the Bible, today found in Israel and the Church of the followers of Yeshua, Jesus.

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    TripleAxel  over 9 years ago

    This is descriptive of a lot of the President’s foreign policy positions through the course of his presidency.

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “Yeah, smart people voted for President Obama, not because he was a good choice but because he was the least bad choice.”He was the least bad candidate of the two major political parties. Obama and Romney weren’t the only two presidential candidates. Just the only two with any chance of winning.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    This PeaBrain guy must be 8 years old.

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    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    IMO trolls changed the subject from Ramirez’ cartoon of Obama and NATO member Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan and the threat of ISIS.-http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/10/14/Turkey-s-Erdogan-Will-Do-Nothing-To-Stop-The-Islamic-State-This article gives info that verifies my first post #8 about the dirty tricks and double-crossing going on by Muslim Erdogan who has conned the US administration of B.H.Obama.-Isn’t any poster interested in the facts? -As Ramirez’ 2 Ostriches said, Erdogan and Obama are definitely “strange birds”……(and IMO on the wrong side which protects and defends Global Jihadists while claiming to be “fighting them”…duh.)

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