Robert Ariail for October 06, 2014

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    ^^^^^. “Wait till it shows up in Mexico”.Now that’s a really scary thought.I still have absolutely no clue why we haven’t STOPPED ALL FLIGHTS FROME THESE AFRICAN COUNTRIES?Many other countries already have(and I pray to God Mexico has?) and it’s really not hard to do. It’s not like banning travel from these small, distant countries will crush our economy.Does this maybe have to do with Barry’s family members being over there? Just asking, since I don’t see any other possible reason why.

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    dzw3030  over 9 years ago

    The Liberian guy in Texas LIED on his exit questionaire so he could fly to the US. There’s no way to protect against that except a ban on all civilian flights from West Africa.

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ConswerveGov: you might want to check with Shell, Exxon Mobil, Chevron et al about their executives, employees and money flowing from those “small West African nations”., where they’re getting HUGE INCOME!

    The chances of an Amercian actually contracting Ebola here are about the same as getting hit by a train, or a crashing airplane.

    Unbelievable the cowardice based on ignorance in this country, and the “news”, and even ’toonists keep beating the tin drum for the monkeys.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    ^^ Those oil companies don’t need to be traveling back and forth to dig oil and wire money. I bet most of those executives are already avoiding visiting those countries.The guy from Dallas “swore” in writing that he had no contact with Ebola victims. Now we know that was a lie and we’re hoping none of the 50 or so people he had contact with have it.We might lose a couple tourist dollars from those countries by shutting down flights, but I think American lives are worth it.Why don’t you?

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    I figured out why you liberals and O oppose a travel ban from W Africa like France and England have, but are too scared to admit it:Barry and the Dems don’t want any talk of preventing people coming into our country right when they are about to force us to accept 13 Million Illegal Aliens!It doesn’t fit his political agenda and we know that’s número uno at all times for Barry.Putting politics ahead of American safety and security: The Democrat Way!

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    oneoldhat  over 9 years ago

    of the 3 countries [guinea,sierra leone,liberia] only guinea has any oil and it is off shore // sierra leone is known for blood diamonds

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    r2varney said, about 1 hour ago.“I suspect the number of American workers you just denied entry back to the US would number well into the thousands”Actually, the few Americans working there are already segregated into their own communities. They of course should be allowed to return after a strict holding period and evaluation. Not just a questionaire.Anybody not an American citizen should be denied entry until this Ebola outbreak has been eradicated.

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