Michael Ramirez for September 10, 2014

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    Observer fo Irony  over 9 years ago

    Mr. Ramirez forgot one; the referee is holding his crotch to signal the Bobette move.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    More to the point of the toon, without getting dragged into petty political arguing for this toon, I am appalled that the NFL isn’t banning him for life and prosecutors pressing charges. They have video footage of him punching his fiance. There’s no allegation, that’s criminal assault. I was listening to Free Beer & Hotwings Show this morning and they were saying the prosecutor has apparently had this footage since the whole incident came out, and he allowed a plea deal to avoid a felony. WTF?! Why isn’t there more outrage about this?

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    msgreymare  over 9 years ago

    If Michael Vick wasn’t banned for life for torturing and killing all those dogs, why should Rice be banned for being abusive to a woman who ended up marrying him despite his behavior? And why all the current outrage, the NFL is full of thug/criminal players.

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Granted the guy was a jerk, but not one single commentator on the news, or in comments after viewing the complete tMZ video has noted that: they enter the elevator, arguing(?), standing close, she hits him, it appears he may hit her back, he backs away across the elevator, she crosses the elevator to smack him again, and as she starts her swing, he blocks it, and decks her. HIs actions after that aren’t polite, but as he’s used to that kind of “treatment” for guys cold cocked on the football field, it’s consistent with NFL “policy”…

    A note? My wife, before we married, and I were taking verbal jabs in a “non-fight and actually light hearted argument”, I said something and she slapped me. My REFLEX (6 months out of ‘Nam) was to hit her back. I immediately apologized and told her "Don’t EVER do that again, and I won’t." We’ve got dented frying pans and ruined teapots she’s thrown at me, but in 45 years I have NEVER, EVER, struck her again. Mrs Rice has said they love each other, and their relationship is loving and “settled down” and she’s been embarrassed and personally harmed by the media attention, and the penalty imposed on her husband.

    That this story is getting more (uninformed and ignorant, let alone by those to blind to see what the tape actually shows) attention than our wars, and matches the chickenhawk call for risking a huge number of lives to go after ISIL (who we also don’t have many real FACTS about), shows we could use a few journalists, instead of “newspeople”. (Paid by corporate scumbags who don’t care at all about any truth.)

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