Mike Luckovich for September 07, 2014

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    katzenbooks45  over 9 years ago

    For a second there, I though Ronald was carrying a shotgun…

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  2. Mygoat
    ole goat Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Strange, , , , I worked 50 years, 1962 to 2012, and never made $15.00 per hour. Guess I should have gone to work at some fast food outfit.

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    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    “Those workers are getting more than enough money as it is…..”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You sound like a real fun guy..(and I’ll bet you’re still mad that the North won the war!)

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    eddodt  over 9 years ago

    no smart companies start people out at a wage sufficient for raising a family….ONE NEEDS TO WORK AND PUT THEMSELVES IN A POSITION TO ADVANCE….it seems everybody wants every job to pay the same…DUH…not going to happen…should NOT happen..

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    My first “job” was in my folks’ restaurant, for a small allowance, around ‘52. I had a job for a dollar a DAY that was first outside the “home”, then a dollar an hour. Working for $90 a MONTH plus room and board seemed a good thing, based on where the job was in the early ’60’s. The Army didn’t pay that well in ’Nam either, but you had the “excitement factor” of getting shot at and mortared as a “bonus”!

    After getting degrees, and better jobs, made more, but it’s interesting how much the pay grade for the last job increased since ’99 when I retired, and based on COLA increases. 25% increase in the “W” years might have had something to do with that increase in the National Debt, as well as how the “middle class” fell behind with those strategies, and wars, and “defense” spending on credit, especially with the “black box” card nobody saw.

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    Kip W  over 9 years ago

    Know how much a McDonald’s employee in Sweden makes? Over $20/hr.

    Know who’s not going broke in Sweden? McDonald’s.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    OleGoat: Neither did I, but in purchasing power I did. Unfortunately for your mindset, it was under socialism (Barrett government, BC, 1970s).

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    churchillwasright: We think things through. We see injustice and want justice. We see malnutrition in the “richest country on earth” while billionaire buy both governments and nonthinkers who think they must serve those thieves. We see countries who are phasing out polluters and believe that proves we could too. We see police who act as though they are an invading army and contrast it with major nations whose police don’t even carry guns except in extraordinary situations. We observe and think, instead of getting riled by manipulators, and work for freedom rather than further corporate enslavement. You should try it some time, if your masters will let you.

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    " The resulting inflation will have the unskilled worker in the exact same boat at the end of the day. If he still has a job.".Logically, though this article on Fox News seems to paint a different picture:http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/07/19/job-growth-picks-up-in-states-that-raised-minimum-wage/

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    Uhhhh. Thanks. ;).Seriously though people on BOTH sides of the fence become so entrenched in their ideological foundations that they become immune to reason. It is as bad a form of bigotry, as racial or sexual..What I liked about that article is that it had no political axe to grind. It simply stated that states with higher minimum wages were recovering faster than states with a smaller minimum wage. While it defies conventional logic, it is worth exploring. Wanting to explore that correlation doesn’t make me a bad fiscal conservative it establishes me as a person that values their intellectual integrity. .…as a former westboro league homophobe this old dog CAN learn new tricks!

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    I was being a goof. Sorry and a sincere thank you for the compliment. .by simple mathematical logic a higher minimum wage helps the poor, not necessarily the middle class. It SHOULD (logically) lead to higher costs which (again) logically should hurt the middle class, but according to the Fox News article it doesn’t and painted a consistent enough correlation between the higher minimum and better economy. Something worthy of exploration.

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    Agreed. The money need to hit the middle class who are those that will make it circulate in the most effective manner.

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