Clay Bennett for September 05, 2014

  1. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    The fast food industry has given entry-level employment opportunities to millions of Americans, and the flexibility of a second or part-time job to millions more. It is easy for the well-to-do to sneer at “McJobs” but they have helped many to rise out of poverty or avoid falling into it.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    While $15/hour is way too high within my local economy, there are cities where this is equal to what $7.80 is here. Market and cost of living, so that companies, especially small business in small markets, can still prosper to a fair and sensible degree, and their employees can as well, should be the regional rules subtending any Federal action.

    But if you want to see real ripoffs and huge cost increases for the taxpayer? Don’t look to unions, or Mickey D, look to contractors affiliated in any way with “defense” or “homeland security”. They’re a large part of that black budget that brings “defense” spending to an actual $1.3 trillion plus annually, not the published $800 billion(that’s way,way, to much already!).

    Employment calculation hasn’t been changed in a long time so this administration IS using the same number system as the Bushes, Clinton, and Ronnie the God, who made the first truly dramatic changes to make him look better. (Yes, I’m aware it wasn’t President Asleep at the Switch, but his political appointees, some of whom are STILL around!)

    “Fair Market Value” is a good functionality, in contracting, corporate profits, wholesale and retail pricing, wages and benefits, and all other elements of a true Capitalist economic system, which is what we do NOT HAVE due to legislation and deregulation aimed at protecting “persons of the One Percent Nation”. Both political parties need to shut up about blame, and confess to the voters both are to a degree guilty, but is is their “conservative” factions causing the problems. (p.s. please look up the definition of “conservative” in the dictionary, and don’t think “political” devaluation of the word.)

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  3. 345 the puss in boots 3
    Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I have had a machine produced burger, and it was much better than what you can get McD’s. But the tech is still novel, so businesses haven’t had a chance to suck all the quality out yet in the name of maximum profit or undermining the competition. Anywho, I’d prefer the experience to the surly, hurried one you get at McD’s, Chipotle, etc. Same with grocery stores. I’m all too happy to be able to bag my own groceries rather than chance my produce being bruised by a cashier hitting his stride.

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  4. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    With all this “self-serve” and apply on-line stuff increasing, we’re certainly building ourselves an ever-increasing self-isolating society.

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  5. Missing large
    Gda47  almost 10 years ago

    Don Thompson, CEO of McDonald’s compensation was down to $9.5 million last year. The question is, did he work 630 times more hours, did he work 630 times harder, did he make 630 times more burgers and fries that the front line McDonald’s employee? Were his customer facings 630 times more effective than the employee at the counter? McDonald’s can afford to pay a $15 an hour wage and remain a profitable company.

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  6. 1939 11 adventure neff
    Donaldo Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Not just peoverty wages ahead, also inedible crap food made under extreme animal suffering. Don’t support that industry

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    pmaerz  over 9 years ago

    Hey Clay – news flash – low end fast food chain jobs like cooking and checking are not meant to be a careers. When did America lower our standards that people would even consider that the norm.

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    ARodney  over 9 years ago

    I resent supporting McDonalds and WalMart with the tax dollars it takes to pay their workers enough to survive. Why not have THEM pay a living wage, and save the taxpayers for people who really cannot work?

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