Henry Payne for September 07, 2014

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 9 years ago

    It is amazing that after their last “successful” government shutdown the conservatives are at it again. It would appear they have a significant learning disability. Clearly the stimulus worked. The US economy is doing reasonably well while Europe is struggling as a result of their more conservative approach to the financial crisis. If the banking system had gone bust we would have had a really steep ride that would have badly hurt a lot more people. That is creative destruction I can live without.

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    @wmconnelly: GM did go bankrupt. It simply would have been better to have done it legally and had them come out of bankruptcy sooner and stronger than they did. It would not have cost as much or taken do long.

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    @Ted: hey Ted; don’t you follow what is going on in the world? Europe is having financial problems, which leads to economic problems because of DEBT. That is why they had to take a slightly more conservative action to help the economy. And now we are piling on debt at record levels, so that we can follow the European model. Just think, when we get to the point where we can no longer support the debt service, we will have to take a more conservative path also.

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  4. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 9 years ago

    It’s like this, denisActually unemployment figure have NEVER agreed with the official figuresNot under ReaganNot Under Bush INot Under ClintonNot under Bush IIThe only thing new here is that the Tea-Party lemmings are talking about it for the first time.

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Sales are up, markets are up, unemployment IS down, granted that less than full time employment, and folks taking lower paying jobs is an unpopular “adjustment”, but with inflation driven by “war economy”, adjustment is needed. Which, cutting some waste out of the “defense” budget, would save about 30% of that spending.

    Conservative economics, just like the “success” of “Reaganomics”, is a story written by the Brothers Grimm, and their folks are feeding off the candy cabin in the woods, with PCP laced sugar plums.

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    Snarky  over 9 years ago

    Denis, don’t be harshin’ the liberals’ buzz with facts, man.

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