Jen Sorensen for September 02, 2014

  1. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I think the cartoon is about the fact college expenses are going up much faster than inflation, effectively pricing people out of a college education. I guess that makes sure there will be a minimum number of people requiring the nanny state. College costs are out of control driven by inefficient and antiquated management.

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  2. Missing large
    Rauderi  over 9 years ago

    Get a joke?

    Atypical of “conservatives” who troll comic pages they shouldn’t be reading.

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  3. Wtp
    superposition  over 9 years ago

    Take you pick:this

    or this

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  4. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 9 years ago
    The average college graduate pays about $5800 more a year in federal taxes than the average high school graduate. Over 30 years, that totals about $172,000. If that’s divided by the 4 years it takes to get a college education, the government would break even if it paid every student $42,000 a year to attend school.This doesn’t even consider that with the degree, the person is less likely to ever need unemployment or welfare, that more students would complete high school if they could see a clear way to a really good job, and that they would be enriching the Social Security and Medicare funds. They would also be paying a larger amount in all other types of taxes.The best investment we could make to keep America strong is to not just forgive all student loans but to make all higher education, as long as the student is making decent grades, totally free, and increase the number of schools and teachers to make room for all who can profit from the education.We don’t, even at this time of high unemployment, have so much a lack of jobs as we have a lack of people who have the skills to perform the jobs that are available- in other words, a lack of education.

    When I graduated from high school in 1962, my husband and I bought a house and two cars within the next few years, on what he was making on a job he got right out of high school. Most of the guys I graduated with did the same. I didn’t work, few women did, and those who did actually chose to do so. Now, it isn’t really a choice for most women, unless they don’t mind living in poverty. When I decided to become a teacher, my first quarter’s tuition at a state university was $79, and we rented any books we needed for $20. Anyone could go to college with just a part time job to pay for it.Since that time, the GNP has skyrocked and the American worker is acknowledged to be the most productive in the world. But, all of the value they are producing is going to the top 1%. The Middle Class standard of living is declining, and a college graduate hasn’t anywhere near as easy a time as we had with just high school. We produce the highest quality goods on earth, and we can’t afford to buy them. A young person told me a while back that I couldn’t really understand why their generation was so angry.What I actually don’t understand is why they aren’t rioting in the streets.

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    An Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove  over 9 years ago

    Jen Sorenson is great and right.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 9 years ago

    But you haven’t yet explained why the adjunct professor makes 1/100th what the football coach does.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 9 years ago

    But you haven’t yet explained why the adjunct professor makes 1/100th what the football coach does.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 9 years ago

    But you haven’t yet explained why the adjunct professor makes 1/100th what the football coach does.

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  9. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 9 years ago

    I suppose being rammed is too subtle for some!

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  10. Frankiefishville
    H P Hundt Premium Member over 9 years ago

    How are things in Utopia?

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  11. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 9 years ago

    " ConserveGov said, about 11 hours agoAnd just be a crappy cartoonist….."

    My comment criticising ConserveGov’s comment is deleted because I suggested people living in their parents’ basements should rather offer constructive comment, but ConserveGov’s comment calling the cartoonist a crappy cartoonist is not pulled…?

    Come, come, moderators.

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  12. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  over 9 years ago

    “No one forces students to take out huge student loans but you should ask or investigate what the average post graduation starting salary is in your chosen field. Millions of students would be better served by going to a trade school”-Well said. When the price of college is a burdensome student loan debt the smarter course is to get training in a solid trade and obtain one’s education from more affordable sources. College is a great experience but it’s foolish to think that it is the only or best place for people to educate themselves in the liberal arts.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    In all but three states, the college COACHES, mostly football, but also basketball, are the highest paid “public” employees!! Way back when, my university took away the lab budgets for chemistry and physics to buy new uniforms for the football team! (The “old” ones were two seasons old.) This idiocy has been going on for a long time.

    Years later, when dealing with school budgets at the high school level, the parents wanted to cancel math and science courses, as well as art, music, and track, wrestling, and cross country, solely to fund FOOTBALL! (because they wanted to have money to send the team to “state”, even though they hadn’t qualified in 14 years!!)

    Yes, the “average” football coach DOES make roughly 100 times what a tenured professor makes. So much for “education” in America, and we wonder why so many of our citizens are overweight morons spending half the year in front of the TV cheering for football, and of course, sending kids off to bomb other countries, and/or die in the process.

    The ratio of fanatic “football fans” to “chickenhawks” does seem to run about 1:1…

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    markjoseph125  over 9 years ago

    Another superb cartoon from Jen! I expected the RWNJs and the anti-intellectuals to be out in force once I saw the cartoon; reading the comments I was not disappointed.

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  15. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 9 years ago

    Lil’ Miss Positive outdoes herself. Studies show someone kills themselves every 40 seconds, often after reading this cartoonist.

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