Michael Ramirez for August 25, 2014

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    strohbaj  over 9 years ago

    All those who think congress needs to pass another million pages of racial anti-descrimination laws… move to Liberia.

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  2. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    Just because like to hear yourself talk ad nauseam , doesn’t make you sound any smarter. So just keep being a parrot for the liberal left wing, it’s actually pretty funny!

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    moderateisntleft  over 9 years ago

    And no matter what, we only get one side of either story.

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    chazandru  over 9 years ago

    The story of what happened between Officer Wilson and Mr. Brown is still being investigated and some discrepancies have already been discovered. We will learn more over the next few weeks. I find what has happened since the shooting to be more disturbing. On the first night of ‘protest’, non protestors used the cover of people who were legitimately protesting what people they trusted said was the shooting of a young black man who had his hands in the air. While they gathered to express their first amendment rights, looters used social media in order to rob and vandalize businesses in the area, many of them owned and operated by blacks.The police were unprepared and not ready for this, but the nights that followed showed a police force that over prepared with military grade machines and weapons. I have seen extended coverage showing the police firing gas and flash/bang grenades into a crowd of people whose only ‘violence’ was yelling. Police advanced several times at groups and into neighborhoods, reforming their lines, and firing gas and rubber bullets into mixed race groups of protestors and reporters.I support the police most of the time and was furious when white militia members gathered in the Arizona desert to aim automatic rifles at police and federal land management agents who were trying to make a white rancher remove his cattle from federal lands after months of court cases had ruled against him. I saw a video of a local police officer driving across the bridge and past a half dozen men who were pointing guns at law enforcement below. The police car did not stop, did not arrest anyone, and to my knowledge, despite dozens of guns pointed at police that day, no one was ever arrested.I believe the Ferguson police department was overaggressive and the image of these men pointing their rifle and scopes at my neighbors reminded me of Kent State University, and the deaths of innocent people shot because of an overreaction towards those who weren’t innocent. I also believe the law enforcement agents in Arizona were simply doing their jobs while white militias and people in this forum accused them of being jack booted thugs.I ask a question I asked another commentator when this all began…When are our police men and women who serve and protect, deserving our support; and when are they jack booted thugs out to take away our rights and liberties, deserving our scorn and our readiness to gun them down?It appears the difference is based on whether the person for whom protestors gather is a black youth, or a white rancher. If this is the case, then there is something very wrong, and very hypocritical about how we are communicating with each other on this issue.Respectfully,C.

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  5. Wrong
    BaltoBill  over 9 years ago

    “I express my opinion in a true but satirical way”I love satire. Michael WME is the king of satire on these comment pages.You, however, satire is not even in a thesaurus of adjectives that I could be used to describe your comments.

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    Reppr Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Why did we not hear of injuries to the police officer sooner? Why did Holder and DOJ tell the local police to not release the video of the convenience store? Will(have) both sides rush(ed) to judgement? Will the truth ever come out? Will both sides accept it if it is ever revealed? How will we know it IS the truth? Life is complicated.

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    Lamberger  over 9 years ago

    Still looks like the types of wounds that someone would have who was wrestling for a gun. Of course it all depends on the rest of the evidence.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    The corporate controlled (liberal or conservative) media HAS conned the public into killing “due process”, with complicity of Congress, mostly, but not entirely “conservatives”. Which is why after leaving his post even “Blue drapes” Ashcroft had to state that “W” and Cheney’s actions on denying due access to “those folks” was illegal. Post 9/11 scare tactics resulted in burning significant portions of the Constitution.

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    frodo1008  over 9 years ago

    I see a lot of comments upon this tragedy (it is always a tragedy when someone is killed, regardless of age or race) but nobody seems to be willing to wait for any kind of due process to have the time to sort out the truth of this matter. Why do we not wait for the criminal justice system to find out as much of the truth of the matter as it is possible to find out, and THEN make comments one way or the other? And quite frankly, it is even possible that we may never know the entire truth of the matter anyway. I am truly sorry, but that is the way of such things!

    The one constructive comment that I have seen here (and I do not remember just who stated it) is that one thing that needs to be done universally, is for dash and helmet cams to become just as much standard police equipment as weapons themselves!!

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    Kentcee  over 9 years ago


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  11. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  over 9 years ago

    “Actually Harley, it is you and yours who routinely demonstrate racism. You claim not to be and do not always do so overtly but that does not mean that it is not even a subconscious factor. "-I do not see racism, whether overt or “subconscious,” in Harley’s posts. Indeed, since Harley’s position is that the matter should be ultimately be adjudicated in a court of law with all of the evidence your claim that he “already knows what happened” is something of a strawman. A trial, by the way, is part of the necessary due process of law in this matter – along with a certain degree of wait-and-see among the public. Harley definitely has his suspicions about what has actually happened, based on the evidence that is available to us, but acknowledges that there may be other facts that would change his opinion if he knew of them. That is a very fair and appropriate view of the matter and allows people to talk about what happened and how to respond without letting anyone off of the hook. If more people adopted his approach there would only be one chalk line in the above cartoon.

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  12. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  over 9 years ago

    “As the general public, I get to choose what I want to believe of the lame stream. I also reserve the right to change my mind once the official case is brought to court … I will not be on the jury, I also like I said reserve the right to change my mind if something contradictory and believable comes out in trail.” – Harleyquinn, in a comment previously posted to this cartoon.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    The Ferguson situation is another case of NEITHER side is without “sin”, Brown wasn’t the “sweet kid” depicted in his defense, and the cops are also a-holes in their responses. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but they certainly give radicals cause to keep taking away our RIGHTS.

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