Clay Bennett for July 28, 2014

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    canFunny  almost 10 years ago

    This is not accurate, while Israel is alone because the US has been no help at all; The Hammas have Iran and practically the whole arab world with them, not counting the russians who provide logistic support.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    MIchael, and the “biblical” Israel extended to the Euphrates,which is still on some folks minds, and expectations for the future.

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    pmaerz  almost 10 years ago

    Anyone who puts Israel down for defending their selves is an idiot – period.

    Israel did not start the conflict, and is only defending its self. You can believe the truth, or choose to be ignorant.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Large numbers of Arab, Muslims and Christians, living in Gaza, hate Hamas, just as large numbers of Israelis do NOT SUPPORT Netanyahu and Likud’s aggressions and lethality of purpose.

    American’s seem only to accept black or white, and make 99% of their choices out of ignorance, be it in Ukraine, Palestine, or on our own southern border region (where impacts occur in Ohio!). It’s bad news when “good” or “bad” are determined by “stupid and arrogant”, instead of informed and understanding.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Tigger, like most, confuses “Jew” with “Likud” and the extremist right-wing that sides with “Nutty-yahoo”. Being aware of how bad his government is on human rights violations is NOT to condemn all “Jews”, even Israelis.

    Just as all Republicans are NOT “TEA party” folks, so things go with false assumptions, but if you throw in religious extremism, talking sense just doesn’t work, with any of their sects or sub-sects.

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  6. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 10 years ago

    Good articles in that it articulates well what I think, too.The 1st article: I saw and met Israelis almost 20 years ago who knew dialogue was needed. I believed then that these few people I met were seeds of a critical mass that would push for positive change, just as had occured in SA. I was wrong, of course, perhaps the number of seeds have dwindled instead. However, I still see chinks of light when I read the likes of David Grossman (read other articles by him as well) .The 2nd: Abroad I think we may have a positive turning point. The disapora are recognising the futility of that conflict, precisely because they are not within that bubble. That re-enforces my belief that not all hope is lost.Belief ;-) Oh dear…PS: While I’m not saying some innitaitive from the Palestinians isn’t required; I am of the opinion that the onus on effecting positive change has to be from Israel. However, all I see are bad-faith moves on Israel’s side: more illegal setlements, more discrimination against Arab Israelis…Israel holds the power, Israel holds the clout, not the Palestinians.

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    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    < img src=“xxxx” hight=“xx” width=“xx” >

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    It was HUGE investments, mostly from the U.S. that allowed Israel the capability to IRRIGATE lands formerly fallow, that the Arabs didn’t have the resources to do. That same investment built the most effective military in the Middle East, along with nuclear power, and nuclear weapons in abundance, along with that massive buildup of modern weapons.

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  9. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    The Israelis were given a home land. The UN gave the Jewish Palestinians roughly half of what was then called Palestine to create a Jewish state. Jerusalem was to be an international city controlled by neither the Jews nor Arabs.While the Arab Palestinians weren’t happy about the partisan, neither were the Zionists, such as Menachem Begin, who felt the Jews were entitled to all of Palestine. They declared the right to rule all of what was then called Palestine, and set about making it happen.

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    tkpedersen42  almost 10 years ago

    You’re kidding, right? Hamas’ charter says that their goal is the elimination of Israel and the death of every Jew. You like that, right? If you were attacked by someone who had that belief about you, what exactly would you negotiate? Method of being murdered? Cremation of burial? What…exactly?

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