Mike Lester for July 22, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Yep, let’s get brilliant and nuke Moscow!! Americans’ biggest problem may be that 1865 was too long ago, and they haven’t seen the real impacts of war, and the aberration of 9/11 only made them LESS aware of its reality. Yep, let’s just keep sending our troops “over there”, so we don’t have to miss a night out at the movies, or see OUR roads and infrastructure across the whole nation damaged or destroyed.

    ALL war sucks, and demonstrates failure.

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  2. Bubba
    TiffWHO  almost 10 years ago

    Keep telling yourself that Clark as the poor are whom I turn to first when sending out a resume…

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  3. Image
    Cinci Steve  almost 10 years ago

    Ouch! Great toon Mike!I’m sure Vlad would be laughing even harder than he already is if he saw this toon.

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  4. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    You know, Putin is already pissed about the sanctions Obama is putting on Russia.These, followed by what many European nations are about to enact, are a first step, much better than risking a global war.

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  5. Missing large
    Mneedle  almost 10 years ago

    It always amazes me to hear the left (trout a) jump to nuclear war as if there is no response between doing nothing, which is the standard response from them, and going to nuclear war.

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  6. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  almost 10 years ago

    Not America’s weakness, Obama’s weakness.

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    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    the problem is when something happens all the left nuts do is shout at the right // 1st hard sanction [ include fines for co that do business with Russia] 2 nd military aid to ukraine

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    I’m a disabled combat veteran. My son is a disabled combat veteran (He got a bund of medals, I didn’t, if it means anything.) WE are social “liberals” and fiscal conservatives,who not only love our country, but have fought to “defend” it, sadly, in poorly conceived wars that shouldn’t happened. If idiot “conservatives”, 99.9% chickenhawk brigade, weren’t so quick to war, based on stupidity, and totally unaware of, or concerned about potential BAD outcomes, the U.S. would be a lot richer, and a lot more moral.

    Being allergic to stupidity, it’s interesting how even over the TV such as Perry, Cruz, Boehner, and all the right wing pundits, get me to sneezing.

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  9. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    “Smart Power.”

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