Ted Rall for July 21, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    And THAT is the real reason for outrage, by any civilized society, and the reason Netanyahu and the long-standing right wing extremists in Israel , not “Jews” or even “Israel” per-se should have been sanctioned, or stronger action, years ago.

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    Sleuth  almost 10 years ago

    Interesting: The true story isIsrael invests in weapons to protect its civiliansHamas invests its civilians to protect its weapons!

    Israel is trying to limit the civilian casualties, while Hamas does not appear to care. They fire their weapons from school yards, playgrounds. Why in the knowledge they might prevent a retalitory strike, or gain more innocent victims.

    The true causes of why the victims should be mentioned, not just the Israel is bad campagain. Where Israel is wrong then hold them accountable, but Hamas has a large part of the blame!

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    Cinci Steve  almost 10 years ago

    So Ted, when did Isreal just decide to launch some missiles into Gaza for no reason?I know you like to equate terrorists to freedom fighters like you did with OBL, but this is a country under attack by a neighbor who’s stated goal is to destroy their country and kill all their citizens. Should Israelis just build themselves concentration camps?

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    cruftschamp  almost 10 years ago

    Egypt blocks Gaza and has been blocking it for years. Alle other Arab nations support the slaughter of civilians in Gaza by giving money to terrorists. They want those people to die in high numbers. And the Arab nations don’t let the people who have been born in their countries for 2 generations (or three) not integrate and keep them as “fugitives”, because they want their number as a extinction threat to Israel. Arabic Israelis have full rights. Go anywhere into the Middle East: nobody wants another war-field among Iran/Syria and Saudi-Arabia on the other side. Least of all you Christians: Do you truly believe that you’d be able to still visit Jerusalem if it’s in the hand of Muslims?The Arab world plays a silent game and all your shouts against Israel is as if you’d shout at the fox for burrowing against a hundred dogs.

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    WestNYC Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    AICPA controls both major parties.

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    SEinson Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    What planet are you living on. Hamas rejoices when an Israeli child is killed, Israeli’s cry when any child is killed.

    The Palestinian people have had their aspirations hijacked by Hamas and other radical groups.

    Egypt and other moderate Muslim countries do not support Hamas and its goals.

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  7. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  almost 10 years ago

    I think cruftschamp makes important points that are far too often ignored. There wouldn’t BE any refugees if the Muslim nations weren’t perpetuating the “refugee camps” through multiple generations. Those people should have been integrated into Muslim countries long ago. I don’t doubt there’d still be a lot of problems in Palestine, but the situation of eternal refugee camps is just salt in the wound.

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  8. Masked profile
    Mark Jackson Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Absolutely! If your country has a bunch of refugees on its border you have a moral responsibility to take them in….

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    John Locke said it quite well. Why does Hamas continue firing on Israel even after multiple cease fires were negotiated ? The fighting will stop only when Hamas stops attacking Israel. They have every right to defend their people even as Hamas uses civilians as human defense shields.

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  10. Selfportrait2013
    Ted Rall creator almost 10 years ago

    Excellent point. It’s the most densely populated place on earth.

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    echoraven  almost 10 years ago

    Normally I enjoy your point of view, I see it as a challenge to appreciate the thought that goes behind your art. Today wasn’t one of those days..As someone else pointed out, Israel uses weapons to defend it’s citizens which the other side uses civilians to protect their weapons..Reminds me of something I read a long time ago: “The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war.”

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  12. Ape
    Remnant  almost 10 years ago

    Bottom line is Israel has the means to level Gaza but chooses to minimize collateral damage, whereas, if Hamas had the means, they would outright kill everyone in Israel. Ted, you are a moron.

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    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    “They have accepted every cease fire.”No, the Israelis have not accepted every cease fire. The Palestinians demand the Israelis stop demolishing Palestinian settlements as part of the cease fire, something the Israelis are refusing.“They are not the aggressors”Actually, they kind of are. Only half of the land Israel now controls was given to them as part of the 1947 UN resolution. The other half, including Gaza and the West Bank, was given to the Palestinians. Jerusalem was supposed to be an international city controlled by neither faction. The Israelis set about destroying Palestinian settlements as soon as Israel was recognized as an independent nation. Ever since, they’ve basically been doing to the Palestinians as the US did to the American Indians: stealing their land and driving them out.

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  14. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    “So the longer muslims fight the Jews, the more land they lose. Interesting observation. Maybe they should give up trying to kill the Jews while they have any land left”How unsurprising you got it wrong. The Israelis have been destroying Palestinian settlements, stealing their land, and driving them out from the very start of Israeli statehood.

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    echoraven  almost 10 years ago

    I also know the video I saw of Palestinians rejoicing as rockets were fired at Israel and saw them dance in the streets and give sweets to their children while 3000+ of our citizens burned and died on 11 Sept 2001. While you take the side of those that teach antisemitism, just look up “Tomorrow’s Pioneers”. A anti-semetic children’s program..Not to mention them getting mad and complaining (I saw this on ABC) when Israel’s defense ministry would call them warning of a attack. .Yes Israel has American weapon technology and knowhow to defend their citizens from Hamas, if Hamas had that technology they would wipe Israel from the face of the earth, finishing what Hitler started, which to those on the left probably doesn’t seem so bad…

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