Clay Bennett for June 25, 2014

  1. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    Mr. Bennett throws the Confederate battle flag (because it wasn’t the flag of the CSA) as a none to subtle hint at what he associates with the tea party.It’s actually appropriate because the Civil war really was fought over States rights and that is what the Tea party is demanding: A return of State and Individual rights and a reduction of the unprecedented concentration of power in Washington.

    I challenge those of you who agree with Mr. Bennett to tell me why politicians in Washington should be allowed to dictate to states, municipalities, and school districts how they should regulate entirely internal matters?

    I also challenge you to tell me why a cumbersome, inefficient and ineffective behemoth is better suited to make decisions for people outside the beltway then local leaders who have to live with the results of their decisions.


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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    TEA party started out a mixed group, some were actually pretty sound in their reasons, but it has become TEA deserving sympathy, for gross mental disease they suffer.

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    ARodney  almost 10 years ago

    Not every tea partier is a racist, but there are an awful lot of racists in the tea party. And they feel quite welcome there.

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  4. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    @Wolf – You have a very narrow understanding of the Civil War if you really think it was only about keeping the Negro in his place.

    But all those states didn’t secede to keep their slaves. There weren’t enough rich land holders to keep slaves. Many of those who supported the CSA and fought for the CSA did so out of a sense of loyalty to their state and they resented the Hell out of a Federal Government that would tell them how to manage their internal affairs.

    But you go on patting yourself on the back because you can find quotes on the internet (Like that’s a big skill) and throw them out there. I’m sure there are plenty of other quotes that you could use to bolster your argument if you put in the time.

    Silly me, I just reckon back to my Sophmore History class and what our history books taught. And that was in a Wisconsin classroom.

    The Federal government has become too large, too unresponsive to it’s citizens and far to Facist for my liking. There has to be room for community norms and local control and the Federal Government fails to recognize that fact. Governor Jindal is right. There is a revolution coming. And I look forward to listening to the Liberals squawk and scream that they aren’t smart enough to decide for themselves how they will live.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Redman, read the body of the Constitution some time, and you will note the federal government DOES REMAIN the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. (Thus the gang of nine at the top of the judicial heap to determine what’s “Constitutional”, NOT the state courts, or sovereigns, or other groups spouting.)

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    zambiland  almost 10 years ago

    Except the extent of those powers are very much under contention. Especially the commerce clause. There’s been entirely to much weight given to the anti-commerce clause crowd simply because they talk all angry and aggressive. Mostly because they refuse to believe that the framers wrote a document that lives and adapts to the times, rather expected Americans in perpetuity to live in primitive times that allowed slavery, disenfranchised women, blacks, and the unpropertied, etc. So, what laws violate the 10th Amendment are actually few and far between. The states don’t have completely sovereignty, they have limited sovereignty. The Supremacy Clause and other parts of the constitution relegate the 10th Amendment to the backwater. Some even argue that it’s superfluous. All depends on your point of view.

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  7. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    Actually Eddy – Many of us have watched with Horror as the Supreme Court has used an Extremely Liberal interpretation of the Interstate Commerce Clause to Steal more and more powers from the States and handed them over to the Federal Government. That doesn’t make it right; it just makes it the way things have occurred.Personally, I think the founding fathers would have been horrified at how little was left of the 10th amendment afterwards.

    As for claims that we need a Federal Government to manage things like Media – phfththth. That just gives mass media moguls incredible power. If they had to manage their transactions at the state level we would have more choices not less.

    We also don’t need a Federal government to tell us how to teach and raise our children. Again, those are decisions that should be made by the families sending their kids to the schools.

    But the haters of liberty love it when power is concentrated in one place because then they can focus their attention on getting elected into those locations and dictating to everyone else how they should think and live. Which is exactly what the Founding Fathers feared. They loved liberty above all else.

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    pmaerz  almost 10 years ago

    Anyone who believes that the tea party is racist is out right stupid.

    There are no more racists in that party than any other – but if you tell a lie long enough people start to believe it so that is why Clay is doing this.

    If you can’t win on principle, throw mud. Too bad he can’t rise above that, but he consistently shows he can’t.

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  9. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 10 years ago

    Nailed it!

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