Jeff Danziger for May 29, 2014

  1. Missing large
    bo_leggs  almost 10 years ago

    Actually, we are drowning in gun laws, what we need is enforcement. Did any of you gun control idiots notice that three of the CA victims were stabbed? Do we need knife control, too? Did you know that more people are killed with hammers than with guns? Do we need hammer control, too?

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  2. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 10 years ago

    A. That doesn’t answer my questionB. Got anything to back up that claim…or are we all supposed to believe it just because YOU said so?

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    briecke  almost 10 years ago

    I know this will make no difference to the people who refuse to look up the data. Whatever side of the argument you’re in, you should at least get your facts straight.

    In 2011 there 12,664 murders with 8583 by firearms, 1694 by knives and 496 by blunt objects.

    The original ‘report’ said there were more deaths by knives and Blunt objects than by rifles, which are a long range weapon. I guess he or she hoped that people would see ‘rifles’ and translate that in there heads to ‘guns’ or ‘firearms’ and it seems to have worked,

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    frodo1008  almost 10 years ago

    WOW! Actual American history instead of myth. Who would have thought it. Congratulations!

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  5. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Actually, the NRA changed Patrick Heny’s speech to “Give me Liberty AND give me GUNS!”. Neat huh?

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Baslim; a nickname I picked up after ’Nam from a guy I worked with, who had a nickname for everyone, was “Swamp Fox”, it was an affirmation of having seen me handle, peaceably, a few “hostile” situations… meaning a PROMISE is NOT the same as a threat.

    In nearly a decade in law enforcement, I made over 1,200 felony arrests (though many were for drug use in violation of federal law and no “big deal”) and never fired a weapon, only drawing a firearm twice. One an armed suspect, the other who appeared to be reaching for a weapon. The fact is, only about 10% of police officers in the United States, the gun capital of the DEVELOPED nations, ever fire their weapons in the line of duty, other than on the range to stay qualified and competent with them.

    Wayne La Pierre has long been a LOBBYIST, NOT a gun owner, shooter, or in anyway an expert on firearms. He’s long made around or over a million dollars a year from NRA, and that is his only real, dedication. Read “Ricochet”, by Richard Feldman, still a gun manufacturers’ lobbyist, who left the NRA, and tells how twerp La Pierre came to power. Wayne is a jerk. (to leave it kindly)

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Mr. Rodger had a long, long history of mental problems, none however that deprived him of the “right” to keep an bear arms, unfortunately. This has been true of many of our mass shooters whose weapons were acquired LEGALLY, and that is the problem the states, even California, can do nothing about, and it’s the NRA and such as La Pierre who we can thank for that. We need to tighten those existing 300 or so laws (not thousands as NRA folks claim) so that WE THE PEOPLE are protected from THEY THE NUTS.(Like gang bangers, 7/11 robbers, drug dealers, domestic abusers, and others who are NOT classed as “mental patients” at all.)

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    SClark55 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    If the Constitution had been written then, it wasn’t in book form. (Seems I remember Henry saying that well before the Constitution was written.)

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  9. Angel cat
    noreenklose  almost 10 years ago

    Do SOMETHING about the nutcases walking around freely. The Liberals and judges “fixed” the mental institutions. Now, the mentally ill have more “rights” than regular people. They are not hospitalized, or treated (they can refuse their meds)…therefore, when they “go off the deep end”, people are killed. Lawful, legally owned guns are not the problem—-it’s the nutcases.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    ^It was Ronald Reagan, as Governor of California, who started the trend of cutting taxes, closing state mental hospitals, and dumping the patients on the streets for the police to “cure”. (It’s called suicide by cop, among other things.)

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    No New Wars  almost 10 years ago

    From 2005 to 2009:Firearms: 49,186All other methods put together: 23,642Stop spreading lies. Your lies are killing people.

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