Nick Anderson for May 28, 2014

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    Dreamcat  almost 10 years ago

    Let’s talk about the proliferation of the drugs used to “control” mental disease and the horrible side effects they contain. EVERY single one of the mass murderers was on a psychiatric drug.

    “Psychiatrists can’t predict what adverse side effects you might experience because not one of them knows how their drugs work.Psychotropic drugs are increasingly being exposed as chemical toxins with the power to kill. Psychiatrists claim their drugs save lives, but according to their own studies, psychotropic drugs can double the risk of suicide. And long-term use has been proven to create a lifetime of physical and mental damage, a fact ignored by psychiatrists.Common and well-documented side effects of psychiatric drugs include mania, psychosis, hallucinations, depersonalization, suicidal ideation, heart attack, stroke and sudden death.Not only that, but The US Food and Drug Administration admits that probably one to ten percent of all the adverse drug effects are actually reported by patients or physicians.”“Authors Richard Hughes and Robert Brewin, in their book, The Tranquilizing of America, warned that although psychotropic drugs may appear “to ‘take the edge off’ anxiety, pain, and stress, they also take the edge off life itself…these pills not only numb the pain but numb the whole mind.” In fact, close study reveals that none of them can cure, all have horrific side effects, and due to their addictive and psychotropic (mind-altering) properties, all are capable of ruining a person’s life.Consider also the fact that terrorists have used psychotropic drugs to brainwash young men to become suicide bombers. At least 250,000 children worldwide, some as young as seven, are being used for terrorist and revolutionary activities and given amphetamines and tranquilizers to go on “murderous binges” for days. Yet these are the same drugs that psychiatrists are prescribing children for “learning” or “behavioral” problems."

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    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    what we need is strict gun control laws like cal or conn

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    The trick is how to LEGALLY define “mental illness” in such a way that law ENFORCEMENT can adequately respond. Given the typical response after mass shootings “He was really quiet, a loner, but seemed a nice guy” is typical, even for the ones who HAVE been treated for mental problems, butt never arrested or committed, thus skating under the barrier to buying firearms.

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    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    no radish California strict gun laws stopped the armed hero fro being

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  5. Pbs rat   just standing there
    TexasLynn Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    >> So where was the armed hero to stop the latest slaughter?

    The same place California jobs are… Texas…

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    Odon Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    So basically imprison anyone you think might be a little “off”, good plan. No conflict with the 2nd Amendment so were good to go!

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    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    tigger: go back and read my post, for a change read it all: The LEGALLY DEFINED conditions that law enforcement must meet, thank you NRA, were NOT MET! They could not under the law (thank you NRA) do a thing to, or for this guy!

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    bo_leggs  almost 10 years ago

    Actually, we are drowning in gun laws, what we need is enforcement. Did any of you gun control idiots notice that three of the CA victims were stabbed? Do we need knife control, too? Did you know that more people are killed with hammers than with guns? Do we need hammer control, too?

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  9. Bruce lee
    Johnny Wilson  almost 10 years ago

    Mr. Anderson, you left out the most key piece of information: MURDERER.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    mdavis: you might have mentioned that the guy who closed those mental health facilities was Governor Ronald Reagan. (Who ended up getting shot by a guy who should have been in an institution, even though he wasn’t from California.)

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  11. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  almost 10 years ago

    You are seventeen times more likely to be killed by a medical error than by a gun. Medical errors kill more people in the USA than drunk drivers. Guns are not the big killer in the US, medical personnel are the big killers. To date this year, 4690 people have been killed by guns, drunk drivers have killed 13,795, and medical errors have killed 79,568. The violent crime rate has been going down for years as more and more states enact concealed carry laws for law-abiding citizens. Homicide rates are as low as they were in the mid-50s. And if you think gun mass murders are bad, wait until they start using bombs. Easy to make (the Columbine murderers had a backpack full of nail-filled pipe bombs which fortunately were accidentally locked outside). If the ninny who just shot up California had of used three or four pipe bombs in the sorority, we’d be talking dozens of dead kids, hundred maimed and injured. If the jerk who shot up the Colorado theater had instead tossed a few pipe bombs into the crowded theater, we’d be talking hundreds dead. Why do you think terrorists prefer bombs over gun battles? More casualties and more terror. And pipe bombs full of shrapnel like nails are ridiculously easy to make from common, seemingly innocuous ingredients readily available to anyone at a grocery, hardware and gardening store.

    For FBI crime stats:

    For deaths to date by cause:

    Screaming about guns is short-sighted and pretty much useless. Worry about bombs, or, just as easy to make, poison gasses.

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    echoraven  almost 10 years ago

    We use the most by a good amount:…btw, your out of character. @Linda Von De Bur: great post, but gun manufacturers don’t contribute to Democrats, unlike drug companies.

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    SABRSteve  almost 10 years ago

    According to racist Brittney Cooper of Rutgers, the massacre was due to white privilege. So I guess she wants to eliminate all whites. Never mind that the shooter was half Asian, not to mention that other non-whites shoot people too. What a numbskull.

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    BoxCar66  almost 10 years ago

    You may be on to something here. And the strong drugs given to people are a big part of this problem and needed to be addressed.

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  15. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Interesting equation: MI + EATG = REDRUM!

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