Jeff Danziger for May 25, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Here we go, again.

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    No New Wars  almost 10 years ago

    Indeed. And the same old mantras. And nothing changes, people keep on being killed. And I bet every time there’s a massacre, gun sales go up.What I do enjoy are the logical fallacies that are used in the arguments. It is an education in philosophical logic, for those who actually want to learn. Also, the statistics that come trotting out are invariably misquoted or carefully selected, except when they are complete lies, of course.The reality is that the US is a gun culture. While it exists within the nation’s psyche that guns created the USA, there is that association between liberty and guns, that one is required to maintain the other. Sadly, over time, it has gone from “Give me liberty, or give me death!”, which was relevant at that time in that place, to “Give me guns, so I have the liberty to wield death!”Part of national liberty is seeing ones self as a part of society and realising that for all to have freedom—including freedom from being shot—some individual freedoms must be sacrificed. But I understand that is seen as a socialist view and the American Way is a different, personal, one. America was formed by those who escaped the Old World way of doing things. People who wanted to do things their own way and live life as they wanted and that has set the cultural philosophy and provided the definition of what it means to be free.The philosophy here is “Give me liberty”, not “Give us liberty”. You cannot have guns and no shootings. Just accept it as part of the price for security of individual freedom, it is part of being American.

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  3. Missing large
    colinmichaeljames  almost 10 years ago

    well said nnw

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  4. Avat
    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Not well said!I’m sure that No New Wars doesn’t really understand statistics. To borrow an idea from those fools in the NRA “statistics don’t lie, people do”, and I don’t see the great disparity between the murder rates in the US and those in the rest of the developed world as manipulated. If you want to defend freedom, go join a militia and make sure it’s well regulated (to modernize the term ‘militia’, try the National Guard): there is no way you are going to defend it with a Saturday night special.

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  5. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    A town nearby was shocked a few weeks ago when they learned a 17 y/o was planning to kill his family and plant bombs in the junior and senior high schools. In addition to his stash of guns, they found his bomb making materials and a journal detailing his plans. As much as I am for sensible gun restrictions, I think the real immediate concern is mental health.What makes these people do this sh*t?How do we identify them before it’s too late?How do we treat their mental/emotional condition(s) once we identify them?How do we prevent it in the future?

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    ^ Got it all wrong again. The police didn’t see the video until after the “event”, and the kid had been in therapy for YEARS, and the family and shrink still thought him nonviolent until this last warning and “manifesto” were found. He also had the con on the cops when they came to check him out, several times, and please note; why are police now expected to have more training as psychiatrists, and read more accurately the subject, than PSYCHIATRISTS?

    Three murdered with knives, three murdered with guns, one suicide by gun. Please note that the stabbing required arms-length maximum distance from the victims, while the guns are effective up to hundreds of yards away.

    What this story PROVES is that “Mental health” isn’t the final culprit, it’s ready access guaranteed by the NRA, to guns, in 99% of these mass killings. Note that most knife attacks around the world, actually, haven’t resulted in many fatal injuries, guns are much more effective at death.

    Please note, THIS GUY creeped everyone out, but still got the analysis from others, shocked, “He seemed so normal”.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Tigger: contact Poo for some information; the kid had been in therapy for years, and had three contacts with police in which they did not under law have “probable cause” to arrest, or commit him.

    Sometime when you protest your “unaligned” or “neutral” status, say something, anything, that actually proves it.

    Of course, there is the issue of whether you would ever read what people actually say, or gather information accurately from No Brain Corporation for your total input of news and information, or look to other, more reliable, sources.

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  8. Missing large
    markjoseph125  almost 10 years ago

    The U.S. has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world: 88 guns per 100 people (that’s scary!). And no, we don’t have the highest rate of gun-induced homicide in the world—there are other social factors affecting these statistics—but it’s way up there.Imagine if we had the same strict gun-ownership policies as England, where the rate of homicide by firearms is only 2% that of the U.S., and there are only 6.2 firearms per 100 people.See

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  9. Stitch
    dshepard  almost 10 years ago

    People do not murder because guns are available. People murder because they have already determined in their heart that they’re going to.

    Do folks see how twisted this is? When a bomber attacks, we blame the bomber. When a terrorist flies a plane into a building, we blame the terrorist. However, if those same people choose a gun over a bomb or plane, it’s the gun’s fault?

    People make the decision to murder then they choose the tool they will use to do it, not the other way around.

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    markjoseph125  almost 10 years ago

    Yes, it is too hard for him to understand. So far as I can tell, the only thing gun nuts understand (beside “big black man scary”) is “me got big gun.”

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