Michael Ramirez for May 22, 2014

  1. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 10 years ago

    Wow…the leftist peanut gallery didn’t wan to touch this one, did they? Every time the buffoon in the White House tells us that a something scandalous totally escapes his sight, it tells us all that he isn’t really in charge of anything. This pathetic buffoon cares more about his golf swing and where his next multi-million-dollar vacation will be than anything related to his “job.”

    This country is literally crumbling down around our ears, NOTHING has improved under this (p)resident, that which was bad when he took over are only WORSE (and don’t tell me that unemployment is better, because it is at least 14%, when you count people who aren’t working, rather than people who are receiving unemployment checks). We are obviously a country in decline, and Obama behaves like he’s another Nero or Commodus, spending all of his time either enjoying himself, or attending gatherings where he can bask in the glow of his adoring fans.

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