Invisible Bread by Justin Boyd for May 23, 2014

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “The sign… up ahead… you’ve reached… “The Twilight Zone” – Or at least the area of the road where someone has discovered that…. uh, that’s not… pudding… or lemonade….

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Sometimes, being a passenger in someone else’s car means “tolerating” the routes that they decide to take. I am not a “stickler” or grouch or anything, but sometimes I just don’t… care for… some peoples’ driving routes….-If left to my own “transportator”, I prefer going the routes that are “toll free” and “traffic free”, and sometimes, the alternate routes get you there faster than the highway does, the way “everyone knows” …and you can tell that everyone knows the highway routes, because “everyone is there on it”!

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  3. Videoman  francis byte the education of a superhero spiderma
    Glass_Chameleon Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “No I wasn’t Bracing myself in terror,I was just.. feeling the dashboard,what’s it made of…Plastic?Yep..that’s some quality material…”

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    Vet Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Having been one time an examiner for driver licenses I have more than enough stories about riding with someone.You think just being a friend is bad. Be the one giving the test and watch them panic.If done properly I could fail nearly every driver out there right now based on point deductions due to habits they have now being so familiar with driving.I have sat in the seat watching them approach a multilane intersection with traffic crossing and their light is red and no sign of even slowing down. Move that pure terror line up to the white cross line and that is how far I have been.All the while the driver furtively looks at me as if waiting for instructions. The thing is I am there to observe not tell you till I have too and if I have too…….I usually drive back….test over…..come back when you figure it out.That is why I have nerves of steel when confronted with bad guys. My answer is “I gave driving tests…..I know no fear.”

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