Dana Summers for April 29, 2014

  1. Missing large
    Wraithkin  about 10 years ago

    You obviously haven’t worked with the VA. I have. This is pretty accurate. And this ‘toon is also a reference to the VA in AZ that let 25 vets die while on a waiting list to see a doctor, and the allegation that there is a secret list of vets that are intentionally put on a long waiting list in the hopes they die before they receive expensive treatments. If this is even remotely true, it’s absolutely despicable.

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  2. Missing large
    oneoldhat  about 10 years ago

    a shining example of gov health

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    Since the men and women of our armed forces volunteered to defend our country, and then were shoved into hellish situations in which the interests of huge corporations were to be defended and advanced, perhaps a nice sur-tax on the profits of these corporations could go to helping the VA, and other non-profit groups that help our combat veterans.

    Oh, but then, John Boehner and his House conservatives will argue that then we would only be hurting the “job-creators”.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    My experience over a couple decades is that VA is doing their best to keep up in most cases, and provide, overall, pretty good care. Folks might want to actually compare private care, and the cost/patient, ’er profit per patient, in the private sector.

    The MILITARY, and especially those flag and field grade officers at the Pentagon however, are making a point of screwing veterans, in large part to keep their “costs” down. Too these folks, the buck (corporate profiteer) is a lot more important to protect than the buck private.

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  5. P1030246
    louieglutz  about 10 years ago

    whatever the causes of the VA problems, they didn’t start recently. the problems have been around since at least 1960, through democrat and republican administrations. rotten service is a given throughout its history.

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  6. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 10 years ago

    Sad but true.

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