Matt Davies for April 05, 2014

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    Of course the libs on here would be crying about Bush killing people if he was still in office.

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  2. Hpim0415
    Melekalikimaka  about 10 years ago

    Yeah, a Republican led congress had nothing to do with that.

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  3. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I’m just going to skip the rest of the stupid comments, because as is often the case, you can’t get a single fact straight.“GW Bush did the right thing to fight back against the Muslim- Brotherhood- declared war (Iran 1979) after the Taliban/Al Qaeda carried out 3,000 deaths on 9/11/01.”Iran, 1979 was a Shiite movement. The Muslim Brotherhood is an Arab Sunni movement that would destroy the Shia rulers of Iran, if they could. They are fighting a proxy war in Syria right now.“War messes up many soldiers, but this type of barbarian war is different than any war America fought before 2001.”Our troops encountered the same kind of guerrilla tactics used by the Taliban, back in Vietnam, with far worse casualties. During WW II, the Pacific Theater was filled with examples of barbaric slaughter. Not all of it on the Japanese side. As Sherman said, “War is Hell.” It does terrible things to the bodies, minds & souls of all involved. For sheer horror wrought upon the troops, I think the Civil War & WW I were much worse than Afghanistan or Iraq. That would be cold comfort to the soldiers who came back from our recent foolhardy adventures missing limbs or dealing with PTSD.“IMO, the Radical Islamic War they will not stop is where all the blame belongs, for warriors who survive battle only to suffer mentally and then do suicide.”Most of our soldiers come back relatively intact. The immediate support system available to them is critical, & we really should step up with the VA. What we should do, is stop sending our soldiers to die where we have no compelling interest. The Taliban was only a problem for us, when they allowed Al-Qaeda to train in their territory. Occupying Iraq & Afghanistan had little effect on stemming Al-Qaeda or other radical groups. The term “War on Terror” was a misnomer. We aren’t fighting an organized army, let alone an actual nation. It’s really organized crime with a motivation other than, or maybe in addition to money.“Every Mosque where the Imam preaches Violent Jihad is to blame. Our defenders are merely trying to protect us from Islamic beheadings! "How many people are under threat of beheading, here in the US? Zero. Radical Islam is fueled by our massive interventions in their homelands. The truth is few of even the most devout Muslims have no interest in a Global Caliphate, but they get worked up when we drone their cousin’s wedding.“If Jihadists win, the best we could expect would be servitude as “last-class citizens”…Muslim Slavery!”The battle with radical Islam is not going to be won through force of arms. It’s an ideological battle. Bush played right into the hands of radical Islamists by over reacting overreaching. We toppled the Taliban & put Al-Qaeda on the run with about 1,000 soldiers in December 2001. That should have been “Mission Accomplished”, followed up by small operations to hunt Al-Qaeda leaders wherever they fled, with support for groups that sought to bring Afghanistan into 20th Century norms. (Expecting them to embrace 21st Century norms would be too ambitious. It’s pretty ambitious here.)Instead, we were misled into invading Iraq, while Al-Qaeda proper (as opposed to the faction of Sunnis that joined the franchise in Iraq) was allowed to relocate.Your position is one of tired jingoism & a lack of good information.

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