Lola by Todd Clark for January 23, 2014

  1. Missing large
    stlwahoo  over 10 years ago

    I have and it was an Amish hell. We didn’t know nothing about nothing and spent all our free time looking up at the night sky wishing for something to occupy our time in between walking 5 miles up hill both ways in snow to school and having to do our homework by candlelight. Thank god those tough character building olden days of the 1980’s are over.

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  2. Imagescasts1v2
    jeanie5448  over 10 years ago

    got my first cell phone in 1998 for Christmas, got my first home computer in 2002, before that I never thought about having daily and or instant access to everyone in the world…….just didn’t need it.

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  3. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 10 years ago


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  4. Sun moon stars
    alise.duhon  over 10 years ago

    Hey, at least Monty reads. And has very discerning tastes when doing so. Charles Blow reported in the NYT today that the number of adults have not read a book of any kind in the last year, be it paperback or ebooks, has tripled since 1978. The dumbing down of American is progressing quite nicely. sigh

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