Jeff Danziger for September 10, 2013

  1. Pig
    jonesb  over 10 years ago

    I don’t think Assad was the one who started this civil war. It was Saudi and US backed rebels.

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  2. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yeah, right! It’s all those darn rebels – and their U.S. and Saudi handlers – that are the REAL problem! Everyone knows that!! I mean, how can anyone not see that? Right? Just like the “fact” that the U.S. military is hiding extraterrestrial alien bodies at the Area 51 base. Right? We ALL believe that one don’t we?

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  3. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    That’s right, cluster bombs, napalm, fuel air explosives, and lots of shrapnel…

    But, aren’t things like TNT, RDX, C4, etc., “chemicals” too?

    It’s all about using the RIGHT / GOOD chemicals not the BAD chemicals…

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    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    They are both having a great laugh right now at Barry’s failed attempt at international diplomacy.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    Danziger is the greatest satirical cartoonist today. I like a lot of the others, but he’s in the big leagues.

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    They’re on ‘Spin Cycle’.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    While I’ve long pointed out "conventional’ weapons are far more horrible, actually, than a little nerve agent, the reality is that Obama may have “punk’d” the entire international community to finally step up to the plate. NOT “weak” OR stupid!

    While Assad remains a rather creepy dude, it should be remembered this IS a civil war to overthrow a government, legitimate or not, and violent. BUT: we also need to realize we have NO IDEA who will actually take over from all those factions, and the “rebels” may be far worse than Assad!

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  8. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I can only conclude that some folks still haven’t heard of The Google. The reports of Syrian government troops firing on protesters are numerous & credible. I figured a link to Fox News might satisfy them that it wasn’t left leaning propaganda. Go figure.

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  9. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  over 10 years ago

    BORING! Again!

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    The image Obama cited of a child’s body going cold on a hospital floor, IS a tragedy. So was the child in her home in Baghdad, the back of her head blown off by “shock and awe”, going cold in her kitchen. So was the body of a child, several actually, going cold in a “hooch” in Viet Nam, as the result of MY action, because I didn’t know she was there, just that the two NVA firing a heavy machine gun at us, from HER home were shooting at us. When our guys we’d dropped off at the LZ told me what they found, it sickened me, in many ways, and four decades later, whenever anyone talks of “strikes”, into populated areas, and considering how many of our weapons are NOT as “precision” as claimed, it sickens me again.

    BTW: that machine gun, and bullets, being fired at me, as well as other bullets, mortar rounds and rockets I managed to “dodge”, came from RUSSIA, as well as China. I have not great “trust” in the humanity of Putin, or many other world leaders, and have experience, and shared experiences of my son (also a disabled combat veteran), to make my judgements upon, as well as extensive research into many cultures, and parts of the world, where the U.S. has gotten involved, and where my son has brought PERSONAL observations of the REAL events, and “situations” on the ground.

    Constantly being accused of being naive, by people with NO personal experiences, or facts, grows “tiresome” to say the very least. But respecting those who troll me, I will quote a guy who I respect, even though a fictional character: “Stupid is, as stupid does.” I consider being called that, a badge of honor, and recognition that like Forrest, I HAVE “been there, done that.”

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  11. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    Obama is doing the exact opposite of what he should do. We’ve seen the video, but it doesn’t prove Assad did this to his own people. It doesn’t make sense. I’ve also heard that it was really the rebels who did it. We Know the rebels are alQueda, and it makes NO point to give Them any aide.

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