Steve Benson for August 24, 2013

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    North Carolina passed a law to solve a virtually nonexistent problem by disenfranchising thousands of citizens. They found one (1) false voter in the last election, and as a consequence passed draconian laws which will fall hardest on African-Americans, one-third of whom lack the identification specified by the law and who will have to therefore pay for it, as well as reducing voting hours specifically to make it harder on people who have less time to vote, e.g., poorer people who are paid by the hour. It’s rather like frisking everyone who passes because one in 4.5 million might have stolen goods on their person.Sorry, folks, it’s racism pure and simple. Or if you prefer, they are disenfranchising people who are entitled to vote, but who MAY vote Democrat. Actually, now they almost certainly WILL vote Democrat, given the way the Republicans have dissed them.

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  2. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 10 years ago

    IDs are not free. I have posted that many times

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    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    This is the kind of BS you believe if you never get out of the conservative bubble. Texas itself says that over 700,000 people do not have the ID they need yo vote, so this is an attempt at voter suppression. Balance that with ZERO instances of in-person voter fraud. Oh, and the IRS scandal has been completely debunked — the IRS was doing its job, going after ALL political influence groups, conservative AND liberal, which legally cannot be tax exempt. You won’t hear about that on Fox News or from Darryl Issa, but you can easily find it on the internet, and by the fact that the investigations closed with no actual convictions or even accusations.

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    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    This is the kind of BS you believe if you never get out of the conservative bubble. Texas itself says that over 700,000 people do not have the ID they need yo vote, so this is an attempt at voter suppression. Balance that with ZERO instances of in-person voter fraud. Oh, and the IRS scandal has been completely debunked — the IRS was doing its job, going after ALL political influence groups, conservative AND liberal, which legally cannot be tax exempt. You won’t hear about that on Fox News or from Darryl Issa, but you can easily find it on the internet, and by the fact that the investigations closed with no actual convictions or even accusations.

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    rini1946  over 10 years ago

    sorry the rule is one person one vote. and they should remove the absentee ballots unless you are in the service.

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    DJGravityX  over 10 years ago

    Unfortunately, Steve doesn’t know this speech very well. How many times have you listened to it Steve? Or how about the black libs, how many times? I know I have listened to it over 20 times now and applied hermeneutic principles to dissect every line to understand what he meant – though most is quite straight forward. The libs of this country have failed this message and its principle severely. They don’t want real liberty, real equality, real integration or to be judged off of the real quality of character of an individual. The reality is some people really want to make many of Rev King’s dream a reality while others, like yourself, prefer to live in a dream and misuse this man’s greatness for selfish benefit and leftist, progressive promotion. A true shame.

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