Steve Benson for August 13, 2013

  1. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  over 10 years ago

    Am I the only one who finds it irritating to listen to liberals defend Obama by saying Republicans did it too? Bush has been gone for 6.5 years now – Nixon has been gone for over 40.

    Obama got caught. He was doing something unconstitutional and that is not a victimless crime.

    I do not defend the wrongdoing of the Bush Administration or the Nixon administration. What they did was wrong too. Nixon lost his presidency over it. Bush managed to cover his tracks well enough to not get caught while in office.

    The fact of the matter is – Obama has been a weak ineffectual president who has held the post for 6 years and accomplished very little.

    If you want to defend him – Convince me that his work is so important and so critical that I should VOLUNTARILY give up my constitutional rights and trust him. You and I both know he won’t so instead he and sneaked around like a peeping tom peering into everyone’s private matters.

    Now when he gets caught he tries to ignore it for a while and when that doesn’t work he eventually concedes that “We need to have a discussion about this”.

    Snowden was the Hero in this story!!!!!!

    I hope I get to be on the jury if he is ever tried in court.

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  2. Missing large
    frodo1008  over 10 years ago

    If the NSA was doing all of this unconstitutional snooping, and had all of the power that some here attribute to it, then why are all of these totally anti governmental ultra conservatives still able to make their nasty anti governmental comments here?

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  over 10 years ago

    @Sky_Soldier – Really? You are going to call me a traitor because I don’t agree with you?

    By definition a traitor betrays: a friend, country, principle, etc. I have done none of those. I have openly cheered a patriot for showing the American public that the American Government is running secret kangaroo courts and snooping into our private lives.

    You sound like those Silly Taliban that don’t like it when somone thinks or acts differently then they would like so they threaten them.

    We supporters of a smaller less intrusive government will continue to advocate for freedom from snooping and listening.The Government is supposed to be “For the People” right now Obama thinks the Government is “For Him”.

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