Rob Rogers for July 15, 2013

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    2/26/12 after 7 pm was a dark and rainy night.Neighborhood Watch captain Zimmerman was on his way to buy groceries when he saw a hooded, tall figure wandering around (as if casing homes to rob). He called 911 and the operator asked him about the appearance of the person, and he guessed it was a black male. He was watching to see where the hooded man was going until the police could arrive.(anyone know how long it took the cops to respond?)-The Malicious Prosecution by presidential and DOJ pressure with organized racial agitators seized from local police’s closed case after 2 weeks of checking all evidence, seeing no crime and no “racial hate” in the incident. Evidence backed up Zimmerman’s description of being attacked for observing the stranger, suffering a broken nose, and suffering head inujuries from the stranger banging Zimmerman’s head on the concrete walk after knocking him down and telling him “I’m going to kill you”…..-The ones on trial should be the liars in media and in big brother government and in hatefilled agitators demanding “justice” for their portrayed little angel “child”….the Judge refused defense using facts the Trayvon was kicked out of school, authorities found a burglar tool and loot in his backpack…his cellphone had evidence of the Punk Thug life he was actively pursuing…….-Trayvon had a history and he was not an Angelic Child, he was age 17 and 5 foot 11 inches tall and of athletic build.His weapons against lawabiding Zimmerman were his hatred and fury and his hands doing violence. Trayvon was near his father’s quarters, and could have been home long before, if he was “innocent”…..he chose to confront and fight and do harm to a homeowner protecting the neighborhood.-the trial is the Insult to our justice system!the jury correctly refused to decide emotionally as the prosecution demanded; they decided on evidence and law.Now all are in danger from a Vindictive Media and Leftwing crackpots who care nothing about truth and true justice.

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    ARodney  almost 11 years ago

    Oh, please. Zimmerman was not a cop, and he was told to stop following his innocent stalking victim. Zimmerman failed to follow instructions, and killed an innocent man. How was Trayvon defending himself against what was provably a deadly attack somehow deserving of death, while Zimmerman defending himself against an unarmed teenager is a noble excercise of self-defense?

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  3. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 11 years ago

    Oh, the IRONY! The trial was about EVIDENCE, FACTS, and the prosecution’s burden to PROVE Zimmerman’s guilt, NOT about anyone’s skin color or race. The jury were supposed to consider Zimmerman’s innocence, unless he was PROVEN guilty, and the prosecution did not have a case that could do that.

    Meanwhile, the “Justice for Trayvon” mobs are ALL ABOUT RACE and skin color. The collectivist leftists are the only ones making this a “White-on-Black” crime. If this had been a Black-on-Black case, it wouldn’t have gotten a yawn out of the “Black community.” They are murdering each other and people of other races constantly, to the point where we seem to accept this scourge as a normal, everyday occurrence.

    As Bobby is wont to do, he gets everything a$$-backwards.

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    rickf1968 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Liberal media and leftist wanted this to be about race – the only racist comment heard during trial was made by Travon’s friend – saying that Trayvon said he was being follwed by a “cracker-ass”. NBC edited the 911 call that was heard by the nation after this tragedy took place and they should be put on trial for starting the racist hate that has followed.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    “He was returning to his vehicle as instructed when he was attacked”After he got out & chased Martin.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    Neighborhood watch by homeowners is now “stalking innocent strangers”????Zimmerman never threatened Trayvon.Watching movements in the dark and in the rain is not any kind of “threat”…..the true threat was a doped-up 17 year old that could have answered questions of who he is and what he is doing, but chose not to do so, and also chose not to go safely “home” to his fathers’ girlfriends house.-What warps the brains of haters of a decent American with cause to serve in a Watch to protect homeowners?And how can “Christian” blacks continue to call it “murder”? They claim “we accept the verdict” and then keep calling it Zimmerman’s “MURDER of Trayvon”!!!

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    saturnsport8k  almost 11 years ago

    i found it funny looking at Rogers’ Trayvon Martin comic from 2012, and then looking at this one. Two completely different messages. Guess he got caught up in his own hubris.

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  8. Lifi
    rossevrymn  almost 11 years ago

    I really can’t believe that Pittsburgh thinks this guy should in any way represent themselves.

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