Chip Bok for May 25, 2013

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    He’ll plead the 5th

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  2. Jed 01
    alcors3  almost 11 years ago

    He can’t plead anything. He doesn’t even know what it says. He talks from his behind.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    Not only does the Fearless Leader “not know until I read it in the news”; all his chosen appointees to head executive branch agencies, when sworn and asked about what was done and said in their agency, say “I don’t know” and “I don’t recall” and so on into infinity.-It is a Left-Liberal devise to avoid responsibility, because “stupidity” isn’t impeachable.-Obama also takes credit for “no major terror action in US since I am President”….because GW Bush did all the heavy lifting in the 2001 Alliance of more than 100 governments of the West, in fighting terrorism.-What Obama doesn’t admit, is that apparent divisions in Al Qaeda groups are not really “divided unity” as they all maintain the Koran’s teachings on continual Jihad War on Infidels… any form possible. “Lone Terrorists” do not actually exist, the evil spiritual bond is one and the same, and they hide links to others with long practice and experience, in a world that prefers not to “see” the threat from Islamic Global Jihad.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Hmm, “stupidity isn’t impeachable”, exactly what saved “W”, but how did Cheney skate?

    I love the way Obama is supposed to have personal knowledge of what every IRS office is up to, or any individual who may be screwing up at any desk in the Government, but “W” couldn’t be held responsible for what he personally ordered, just like Cheney in the “Plame incident and related” that saw Scooter go to jail and “take one for the boss”.

    The simple fact is that Obama has been much better informed, has responded more intelligently to situations, and been constantly blocked by morons like Boehner in the House, and McConnell in the Senate.

    I don’t like the use of drones, for various reasons, but they’re far better than carpet bombing nations (and kids) on a grand scale. The IRS was used by Nixon, Reagan, GHW, and “W” to “go after” various “opposition” groups, not necessarily “liberal” or “conservative”. As to the press, "W"’s folks were pretty good at manipulating the press to get their lies out, while squelching what they didn’t want revealed (like the lies about WMDs).

    OH, and remember, “W” led from a bunker, and Cheney from a “secure undisclosed location”, not just from behind. The roar of the chickenhawk was the loudest sound coming from that administration, for eight years.

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  5. Baltimore city and inner harbor
    Dr Lou Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    While it was a badly turned phrase, the strategy has actually been reasonably effective….but one has to actually pay attention.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    Stipple said, 1 day ago @disgustedtaxpayer “Lone terrorists do not actually exist”.Just highlighting that comment with vast amusement is comment enough.-Stipple, how did your “lone terrorists” get the idea to do violence? How do they know how to prepare for their “lone” terrorist violence? Why do they plan and spend money and knowingly break laws to do violence? -All so-called “lone terrorists” are united in spirit and have connections with other organized terrorists, and as the “lone terrorists”—-2 British-born Nigerians in London that planned and went looking for a soldier to decapitate, as they slash a victim and Kill an innocent human, yell “Allah Akbar”?-The ultimate “connection” is to Satan, IMO.

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