Drew Sheneman for May 07, 2013

  1. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 11 years ago

    Orthodox Catholic feels the Catholic Church shouldn’t be “trashed” because it was only a “few” priests…that is, sixteen thousand. Wonder if he’ll apply the same sentiments to sexual assaults in the military?


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    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    ^I don’t think the church is evil for having a few pedophile priests. I think the church is evil for covering it up, and as an institution sending those pedophiles to the next church and then the next church to prey on unsuspecting victims. Not only are they enabling criminals, and covering up the crimes, but they then encourage the behavior by betraying the trust of the next congregation.no amount of ‘charity’ can make up for that.

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    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    ^and btw, I know many good catholics that are LIBERAL. but i’m sure you’d say no catholic can be a good catholic if they vote democrat.

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    riley05  almost 11 years ago

    “Shenneman’s attack on the new pope”Tell us how this cartoon is an “attack”, Orthodox. Only someone with a very guilty conscious would call it an attack on him. First, there’s no firm indication that it is the new pope. Second, it shows that he’s recognized that the way the Catholic church handled the pedophile priest issue was ABSOLUTELY DESPICABLE!!!I love the way you rush to defend the priests, yet never mention their young victims. Is that what Jesus would do?

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    riley05  almost 11 years ago

    “I do feel the same way, Anthony.”

    So pedophile priests aren’t a problem because sixteen thousand is only a “few”, and around 29,000 cases of sexual assault a year in the military (an estimation I heard on CBS radio yesterday) is also only a “few”, huh? Since most are “decent and good”, we can just ignore the deviants in both cases? Well, at least that puts you in the company of your sweep-it-under-the-rug religious leaders.

    “It is just as wrong to smear the military and military people in general as it is for you Catholic bashers to try to say that the whole Church is nothing but pedophiles.”

    I haven’t seen anyone do either of those, Orthodox. When you start creating strawmen to argue against, it’s a sign your back is against the wall.

    “Why don’t you grow up and get a life???”

    I spent many years of my life serving as an officer in the US Navy, defending our country, including your sorry ass. You’re welcome.

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    larryrhoades  almost 11 years ago

    The message here is: “Don’t just transfer the abusers and pretend it didn’t happen.”

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    riley05  almost 11 years ago

    “It’s an attack.”Yup, as I said: Guilty conscience.“My father was a Navy Commander and he would call you a freakin’ classless idiot.”Strange, most fellow officers I worked with were much more team-oriented and personable than that, but I guess there’s a few rotten apples in every bunch. But what about you? You haven’t served? You just leave it to others, and then tell them they need to “grow up”?“I’m not going to try to ’splain it to you, dude.”That’s good. It’s always so painful to watch the mental contortions people like you have to go through in order to explain their mythology…like calling sixteen thousand pedophile priests a “few”, for example. I love the term “apologetics”…like you’re apologizing for twisting reality so much.“or change your bigoted mind.”Bigoted? I’m not bigoted. Why would you say I’m bigoted? It’s not like I lash out at everyone who doesn’t share my religious mythology like you do. I’m married to a Catholic, as it happens. Would you marry an atheist?

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