Steve Benson for April 28, 2013

  1. Pig
    jonesb  about 11 years ago


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    ARodney  about 11 years ago

    You do know that Syria, unlike Libya, has the third strongest air defenses in the world? Oh, that’s right. You don’t deal well with real-world facts. John McCain wants us to invade, and that’s probably reason enough not to. His track record is zero for everything.

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  3. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 11 years ago

    Yes, let’s arm the rebels and at the same time try top avoid arming the radical islamists that are part of their group…

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    Cinci Steve  about 11 years ago

    This is what happens when low-information voters put a community organizer in the White House.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    Bush 41 had a coalition of multiple countries after he screwed up and told Saddam to go ahead and invade Kuwait. “W”, had the Brits, and a token of a few other countries, while most of the world protested his invasion of Iraq. Despite too many Democrats falling for, or repeating the lies of Bush, Cheney, Feith, Rumsfeld, Perle, Rice, and Powell, most of the world, and my Democratic Senator, knew they were lying. Being on the Intelligence Committee, “security” forbade Wyden from telling the truth that he, and others knew full well. Those truths were documented by numerous sources, in 2002!

    We do NOT need to be involved in another civil war (call it an overthrow of the government) by sources even more radical than the scumbag in power.

    Maybe if the Jews and Evangelical “Christians”, or proclaimed Christians who are frauds and hypocrites, would stop calling for open war on ALL Islam, those folks, like in Iran, might feel a little less threatened, and not see the need for nukes to defend themselves from Israel and the countries that DO have nukes, and appear willing, and ABLE to use them.

    Crazy as Kim may be, we’ve also been threatening Korea again since “W” took office, so maybe that has something to do with his increased rhetoric as well?

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    BTW: the U.S. has refused to sign on to getting rid of land mines, we use White phosphorus (chemical weapon), and cluster bombs, all of which are FAR more deadly to civilians, and far more horrific in the field, than sarin, or even VX nerve agents, which have limited use, and limited longevity in the field.

    The whole “chemical weapons” flap, is just an excuse to invade another Muslim country, to appease nuts like “Ima”.

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    twieliczka  about 11 years ago

    70,000 Killed by The Syrian Government in the past two years and the media is just starting to cover it in more detail.

    WMD and Cross The Red Line? This had better not be just another “Bush Joke”, when he couldn’t find any WMD under his Oval Office Desk or behind the curtains at the national press club laughathon, while thousands of our soldiers had already been killed in Iraq.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    Bruce, yes, emails, letters, AND some phone calls!!

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