Kevin Kallaugher by KAL for January 22, 2013

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    The business of our biggest business.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Hello Neighbors,In a hurry last week, I provided a link to Jon Stewart’s the Daily Show and suggested readers to watch the first 15 min of his show re: the NRA and the ATF. A couple of conservative readers complained. I was told to provide the websites instead of Mr. Stewart’s sarcastic but concise information. Now I wonder if those who complained will actually read the following and/or visit the websites.^From – Tiahrt Amendments, named for their original sponsor, U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-KS), are provisions attached to federal spending bills that make it harder for law enforcement officers to aggressively pursue criminals who buy and sell illegal guns.^ The amendments restrict cities, states and even the police from fully accessing and using Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) gun trace data, which can show where illegal guns are coming from, who buys them and how they get trafficked across state lines and into our communities. UPDATE: The Tiahrt restrictions are blocking Congressional oversight of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Explosives & Firearms (ATF) and its controversial “Operation Fast & Furious.” According to allegations, ATF allowed guns to be illegally trafficked to Mexico, possibly putting law enforcement officers in danger. ATF is prevented by Tiahrt from releasing trace data connected to Fast & Furious, forcing Congress to request the data from the Mexican Government.^The Tiahrt provisions require the Federal Bureau of Investigation to destroy certain background check records within 24 hours, making it nearly impossible to use those records to help solve crimes or to identify gun buyers with criminal histories who were mistakenly approved. Learn More The Tiahrt Amendments also block ATF from requiring gun dealers to conduct inventory checks to detect loss and theft, which law enforcement says is a dangerous back channel source for criminals who are in the market for illegal guns. ^For years, the Tiahrt Amendments have been standing in the way of law enforcement efforts to stop the flow of illegal guns to criminals. But now, a coalition of 350 mayors and 200 police chiefs have called for repealing these damaging restrictions. ^From – few years back, Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) suggested we did not need additional gun laws. He noted that we already have about 2,200 gun laws, and that the real issue is that those laws are not being properly enforced. Tiahrt went further to suggest that enforcing these laws should not be the purview of state or local law enforcement, namely because we have a government agency – the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) – whose job it is to pursue such enforcement around the clock.^The problem is that the ATF hasn’t had a permanent director since 2006. Instead, the U.S. Attorney for Minnesota (a full-time job in itself) “commutes” from his home state to serve as an interim director. Seems ridiculous, right? Why not just appoint a new director by executive order? This is how it should work, yes?^In theory. But back in 2006 (a year before Tiahrt’s CNN interview) Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) inserted a clause into the Patriot Act requiring Congress to aprove any appointments to the head of the ATF, which is the sole government agency responsible for the federal control of firearms. Since then, they have failed to approve anyone brought forward by a president to fill that post. Keep in mind that, for two of those years, the President was George W. Bush.^Jim Sensenbrenner put a clause about the ATF into a seemingly unrelated bill. Interesting, also, that the same year this clause found its way into the Patriot Act, Sensenbrenner accepted the NRA’s “Defender of Freedom” award.^^^^^^If you had the interest to visit these websites, then I compliment you. Whether or not your view has changed, you show a willingness to be part of a debate. If you have a site you feel objectively counters the above, I would be interested in seeing it.Respectfully,C.

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    dfowensby  over 11 years ago

    that should illustrate not guns, but gushing blasted corpses of undefended and unprotected school children. realistically.

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    TheIronMouse  over 11 years ago

    LOL.. hate to say this.. FAIL post..very big fail. ONE, NEVER use wikipedia as a reference. NO educational institution will accept this as a valid source. Do this in School and you will get a BIG FAT F!… lol .. nice try..

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    TheIronMouse  over 11 years ago

    Well, Obama is right. We need to get this under control. More guns does not stop the issue nor curb it. No one needs an assault weapon or an assault look-a-like. What people fail to see and ignore that thanks to the movies and media, people that commit murders with these weapons have mental issues. Any Psychologist will tell you that people with issues look for things that impower.. assault weapons do this thing. Its WAY too easy to get guns and if you ever go to a gun show… just sit there and watch who buys the guns.

    Don’t know who many times I see this nice, well groomed woman buying a gun while her gang memeber boyfriend is pointing out what gun to get… the gun seller sells it to them. Or better yet you will see this very calm person..normal joe shmoe walk in, buy a assault style weapon, strap it on his/her back and all of sudden is strutting around the gun show like he is Clint Eastwood. Also if you pay attention to those buying hunting rifles, they handle it with care and their expression is of “this is great” but it is also of respect knowthing that this weapon is not a toy.

    If you watch some ding back buying a assault style weapon and watch their expresions its of “this is F&*)ng cool” and they straighten up and act like they are bad arss.

    Have to remeber folks, the 2nd Amendment gaurantees your the right to havea a gun. IT DOES NOT gaurantee you what type of gun.. nor the ammo. I have arleady talked to 2 lawyers and they said I am right. The USA Gov. Cannot take your guns and ammo a way..but THEY CAN control what type of guns you have and what type of ammo and NOT violate the 2nd Amendment>

    Kind of funny how all the PRO gun and MORON NRA people said “Obama is taking your guns away..blah blah blah”. I read the executive orders and guess what.. in no way in any form has he violated the 2nd Amendment.

    NICE try NRA and gun happy idiots… FAIL..epic level.

    You still get your guns.. just the assault ones and tools that have been used in mass killing go away.

    Its like a spoiled child .. dad give them a used Honda to go to work or to school.. the spoiled child screams. “but dad.. that doesn’t help me.. I need my Porsche”. Grow up NRA and gun happy retards.

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  6. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 11 years ago

    Selling arms to governments with armies or even to rebel armies is not the same as selling to ordinary citizens but, sure I get your point.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    For a year in ‘Nam I carried a 16 around with not much more drama, or visibility, than a “Leatherman” tool. In almost a decade I also carried a Chief Special, with folks noting its presence less than my handcuff case and radio. Both experiences related that weapons don’t need to be “prominent” to be practical.

    Concealed carry is one thing, folks wanting to cart around their military style weapons, on display to show their “Manhood”, like the native tribe whose only “attire” is a giant “carrot like” wrapping on their penises, have an “adjustment” problem. I also hate seeing cammo on the street. Of course, exactly WHAT is the purpose of Navy personnel wearing cammo on board ships, including boats (submarines)??

    Maintaining “image” is a large part of the “mental disease” element in America. (Including overt “nationalism”)

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    Quipss  over 11 years ago

    There are roughly 10.5 million new personal use firearms produced every year

    Of this you have 6.8 million being produced in america

    And of this the USA also imports roughly 2 million.

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    Magnaut  over 11 years ago

    The guns are to defend against Tyranny from O’s “civilian force”

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    zimmerlip  over 11 years ago

    I just wanted to comment on this travesty of a cartoon. The leading exporter of weapons in the world is the United States government – not the American firearms industry. In fact, our firearms industry is finding it impossible to keep up with the demands for American-made products for internal sales.

    Team Obama could have reduced the demand by allowing the government’s “Civilian Marksmanship Program” to re-import US-made and donated weapons – M1 Garand rifles and M1 carbines – from Korean arsenals for sale to American collectors, but they have so far said no.

    Criminal exporting of weapons involved less than one percent of America’s licensed gun dealers – according to ATF figures – yet we must all suffer for it.

    Yes! I am a federally licensed collector of curio and relic firearms – A Class 03 Federal Firearms License holder. I am not a Tea Partier. I consider myself fairly intelligent and reasonable. I’m medically retired after 45 years of serving the people of the United States.

    By the way, even since the election, the failures of Team Obama and the ATF continue. November 23rd, 2012, 20-year-old Mexican beauty queen Maria Gamez was killed in a police shootout. A pistol she supposedly was holding was originally purchased by an Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) manager, George Gillett, who was the Asst. Special Agent in Charge of ATF Phoenix when Fast and Furious began.

    The Obama Administration is simply using the firearms issue for smoke-and-mirrors – to cover up their terrific failures in managing the economy and dealing with other nations.

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