About Bad Machinery

Bad Machinery tells the stories of three schoolgirl sleuths and three schoolboy investigators, attending Griswalds Grammar School in Tackleford, UK. While they are not exactly enemies, a mixture of pride, mistrust and pig-headedness keeps them at cross purposes. A medium-sized West Yorkshire city set among rolling hills, Tackleford has a long history of mystery. Since the industrial revolution it has been a hotbed of problems, issues, manifestations, bad deeds, schemes and trouble. Griswalds is in the leafy suburb of Keane End. Nothing else is certain.


Shauna Wickle:
Raised poor but extremely bright, Shauna is the first of her family to go to a school where you have to wear a blazer. Her best friend since the age of 3 is Charlotte Grote. Shauna lives with her mother, her stepfather Dan and her little half-brother Humphrey.

Charlotte Grote:
Charlotte is loud, silly and likeable. She doesn't always know the difference between a good idea and a bad idea. Charlotte (or sometimes "Lottie") lives with her estate agent mother. Her elder sister has left home. She has a small dog.

Mildred Haversham:
The product of an extremely liberal upbring, Mildred is not necessarily bad, but she is not good at doing as she's told. Mildred shares with Charlotte a ferocious appetite for gossip.

Jack Finch:
Jack is a dreamer, he is tall for his age, quiet and shy. He likes football stickers, popular music, drawing, and staring into the middle distance. He doesn't understand black and white films.

Linton Baxter:
Linton is an achiever. His mother is a primary school teacher, his father is a police superintendent. Linton will not rest until he has righted every wrong. He is a little too sharp for his age. Linton has just discovered sarcasm.

Sonny Craven:
Perpetually bright-eyed and optimistic, Sonny is a good fellow to have around. Full of kindness and old-fashioned manners. It is impossible to get a comb through Sonny's hair. Sonny lives in wealth and splendour with his parents and his little sister Cecile. He speaks fluent French.

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