Phil Hands for April 27, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 1 month ago

    That is exactly what Bibi and his gang do. Because, just like the US far right, they do best when people are angry, uncertain and doubtful.

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    Fiddlehead Fern rises from the dirt nap  about 1 month ago

    It was always a bs accusation.

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  3. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Someone should tell him that Palestinians are Semites as well, according to some definitions. I want to watch his head explode.

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    knutdl  about 1 month ago

    Rasta haircut? OMG!

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    suspiria  about 1 month ago

    Let’s see… saying that any critic against zionism (which is an ideology, which now has nothing to do with the original intent) equals antisemitism means jew = zionist. Essentialism on this level, and ignoring the thousand of jaws who courageously protest, wants the genocide to stop and Netanyahoo the crook in jail where he belongs, ain’t that a bit, you know… antisemitic ? But then, it’s coming from folks who stored their Auschwitz T-shirts in the closet waiting for another day…

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  6. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 1 month ago

    Although Israel is going too far in retaliation, why do so many seem to forget the barbaric slaughter of so many others over the past decades regularly committed by the Islamic fanatics, even against some of their own kind, all in the name of Allah? Munich, hijacking the liner Achile Lauro, Entebbe, Twin Towers,……… The Israeli’s want to live in peace (After suffering the greated genocide in Man’s history) but ISLAM, which is based on the sword and revenge, is bent on total slaughter of the infidels. READ ABOUT THEIR HISTORY before you call me a bigot. Tell ME how you can justify them.

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    aristoclesplato9  about 1 month ago

    The left wants you to believe that the protestors are not screaming to kill all Jews.

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    DC Swamp  about 1 month ago

    Yeah, all those lice infested leftist monsters are doing are standing quietly with signs wishing for peace. Meanwhile, the wimps of the Columbia administration are “negotiating” with the junior jihadists on the terms of their campus occupation.

    Here is some leadership:

    “At places like Columbia and Yale, Hamas protesters rule the roost, and the universities are too weak and scared to do anything — even as these mobs harass Jewish students and faculty. If you try that at a Florida university, you are going to be expelled. When you are chasing Jewish students around, when you’re not letting a Jewish professor enter a building, when you are targeting people like that, that’s not free speech, that’s harassment. That violates appropriate conduct and yet at Columbia, Yale, all these places, those guys, those folks rule the roost.”

    “You do that in Florida at our universities, we are showing you the door.” – Ron DeSantis

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  9. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  about 1 month ago

    Complete stupidity of nuttyyahoo

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    old1953  about 1 month ago

    Yeah, that’s Bibi.

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  11. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    I wish the Gaza protestors were more like this, following MLK’s method of non violent protesting.I wish the people of Israel would vote out their current extreme right Prime Minister.I wish the military of Israel would STOP the current campaign in Gaza that has become genocide.I wish the people of Gaza would develop strong leadership and kick out Hamas.I wish the people of this world would treat each other with respect, not hate.I wish the people of this region would develop and maintain two states, in peace.

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    leonardonyc  about 1 month ago

    Only is not what the latest protest are saying , “I’m Hamas” “river to the sea” “kill Zionist “. Among other gems

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  13. Pak1ro5jn6k81
    steveandeileen  about 1 month ago

    If you don’t remove the people, how else is Jared going to be able to build a resort on the beach?

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Bibi is backed up by his friends in the republican party.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 1 month ago

    One must not.. ever, criticize Bibi lest you be labeled anti semitic.

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    syzygy47  about 1 month ago

    How about, it would be nice if HAMAS didn’t use their “innocent people” (and hospitals and schools) as human shields.

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    What was that old saying…? something about “Two Wrongs” …?

    Or was it something about the other cheek? Regardless, I guess the Bible or Koran is more of a guideline than anything else, and easily ignored by the devout when it suits them.

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  18. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 1 month ago

    It would be great if all the student campers would limit their demands to a ceasefire. Unfortunately, some demand Jews leave Israel, leave their campuses & openly threaten to murder them. Their claims that Israelis are “European colonizers” is detached from reality & originates from Communist propaganda. Go read John Ganz’ post “Go Back To…Morocco?” on his Unpopular Front blog. Then read “An open letter to the Columbia University Gaza war protesters from a pro-Palestinian activist in Israel” by Haviva Ner-David for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

    Telling Jewish students in the US to “go back to Poland” is in fact, deeply anti-semitic.

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    sedrelwesley2 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Gazans could also be considered Semites, speaking a Semitic language

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