ViewsAfrica by Cartoon Movement-US for August 19, 2010

  1. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    A cartoonist from a muslim country condemning religious extremism…no righty noticed in two days.

    Those guys stand up to thugs that are in their streets, not an ocean away.

    And nobody in the peaceful, righteous west even notices.

    As long as a muslim extremist doesn’t kill a christian or a jew, he’s not a muslim extremist.

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  2. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    No lefty stood for it? I did. ^ yours.

    I just think we should encourage middle eastern folk who want to change business in their countries before we consider nuking them.

    Oh, isn’t it easy to insult muslim teens in a street in a western city (like one of my middle-eastern looking friends was treated after 9/11)? How about standing up to them in their own territory….without a bullet-proof vest…or Xi.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    I’m fed up with “righties” who covered for the cowardice of Bush and Cheney. My son, another “lefty” has now joined me as a disabled combat veteran(still waiting for the Navy to process his disability discharge because they don’t want to pay out for his injuries, which have required numerous surgeries already, with more to come once he’s “out”, and under VA/Tricare)

    Yes, the west SHOULD “mind its own business”, that includes NOT committing mass murder for oil, blood diamonds, uranium, gemstones, and other “amenities” that make good old “corporatists” rich.

    As to Islam, don’t care for it any more than it’s brother religion’s, Judeo-Christian homicidal whackos. That this toon shows that Muslims are also fed up with extremists makes me wish we could see the same disgust in the Jewish and Christian communities for the hypocrisy and horror “faith” has caused as a result of fraud, hate, and false terrorist hysteria.

    I do not condemn any religion, but the PRACTITIONERS, who can’t seem to get their practice right, and kill millions– and are worthless scum, no matter what “faith” they claim.

    Sorry for the too “subtle” response.

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  4. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  almost 14 years ago

    If a country kills millions NOT in the name of God, does that make it better or worse?

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    church- stop getting upset and READ something for a change- it is the hypocrites who “profess” religion, and generally do the exact opposite of its teachings who are the problem- as in “practitioners who can’t get it right”.

    “Subtle” for the far right is running over a mouse with a D-9 Cat.

    and my son followed my advice NOT to join Army or Marine corps, but Air Force or Navy as I didn’t want him around the “crazies” I served with. He ended up in the “dry land” Navy- around people perhaps even CRAZIER than the one’s I was around- but they took care of each other, and he “grew up” there, knowing what REAL patriotism (and heroism) means, the hard way.

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