Ted Rall for September 16, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    The guy selling the keepsakes was a VP at B of A three weeks ago.

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    Bilword  over 12 years ago

    9/11 is now a patriotic propaganda tool, Goebbels would have loved.

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    eepatt  over 12 years ago

    Yes, when Clinton tried to get Bin Ladin, the repubs accused him of wagging the dog. When his administration handed their security report to the incoming Bush admin, the Bush people ignored it. Blame it on Clinton because you wing-nuts do not want to admit that Bush was a lazy, willfully ignorant incompetent. You may not like Obama’s policiies, but he is not lazy or willfuly ignorant, and if you claim he is incompeten, say why and don’t just repeat repub half-lies.

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    tcity  over 12 years ago

    I think you can safely change ‘comes’ to ‘came’.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    “s”- Clinton took the shot that long time ago, but those “precision” missiles, just like most in the ‘91 Iraq war, missed the target. It was the SEALS allowed to do their job who got bin Laden. Let’s see, from ‘91 till early this year exactly HOW effective was that “leadership” from two Bush administrations? Isn’t it nice we were only in Afghanistan and Iraq for less than a week of actual “us” doing the job? We really don’t belong in other people’s revolutions- like well, Nicaragua, Grenada, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Panama, Colombia, etc. etc. – so said Mr. Myagi.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Michaelwme: As the guy interviewed last week on 60 minutes pointed out, it was that “enhanced interrogation” that turned OFF the tap of volumes of sound information they were getting. Once the “CIA” folk started using it, they got no more information of value. This is what is taught in SERE school, and what I learned over 35 years ago about interview and interrogation, and put to use in law enforcement, and getting convictions, even AFTER Miranda. “Torture” does not work, never has, unless you want them to tell you what they think or know YOU want to know- even pure BS. THAT is what we got from Cheney’s idiocy- nothing of value, period.

    “24” is fiction, and Jack Bauer doesn’t exist, well not as a true intelligence gathering agent. When you beat the “c—p” out of people, all you get is “c—p”.

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    JoeRaisin  over 12 years ago

    “eepatt said,

    Yes, when Clinton… administration handed their security report to the incoming Bush admin, the Bush people ignored it."

    The Bush folks were too busy repairing all the damage the little Clinton children did when they looted and vandalized their offices on the way out.

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    SABRSteve  over 12 years ago

    The left will always blame Bush. Some or now blaming the Solyndra scandal on W.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    The right wing media tied Clinton’s (quite conservative actually) hands over a farce. Now the current “media” is doing the same thing over bits of nothing, and sadly, the very right wing for a Democrat Obama, is likewise tied up over a blow over “green energy” and other stuff that has nothing to do with THAT particular “color”. This time his own party is hiding under the shell of cowardice. It IS time to stop worrying about who’s getting some “A”, and start KICKING some!

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    Rymlianin  over 12 years ago

    What are you jabbering about , boy. Clinton was not the president during 9/11; G.W. Bush was.

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    zonmoy  over 12 years ago

    yes almost like his handlers made it happen.

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