Steve Breen for August 26, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Maybe if we stop killing peoples’ kids in foreign lands, it might not require ransom?

    I reserve the right, as a combat veteran, and long time “public servant” working FOR my country, and countrymen, to praise my country when it’s right, like social responsibility programs for ALL citizens, actual defense, preserving our public lands for ALL citizens, and educating our “masses”, and criticizing it’s stupid policies, like starting unnecessary and stupid wars, funding the MIC at ridiculous levels, retaining the death penalty, armoring cops on the streets with military gear and turning their mindset AGAINST the people they’re supposed to “protect and serve”, or denying civil rights to massive numbers of people, both citizens and those yearning to come here, serve OUR nation, and live FREE!

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