Steve Benson for June 06, 2016

  1. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 8 years ago

    I don’t and never did see boxing as a ‘sport’. However, there’s no denying that Ali was a positive world influence.We are all poorer for his departure.

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  2. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 8 years ago

    I can’t tell if this one is mocking Ali or celebrating his infectious braggadocio. A little help?

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    stevebenson  about 8 years ago

    Jesus’s picture is in the ‘toon because Ali’s quote in the cartoon bubble is also in the ‘toon..In the ‘toon, Jesus is agreeing with Ali’s sentiments about himself..Muslim or not, Ali, no doubt knew he was strutting his boxing stuff before a largely Christian nation, so he purposely talked the lingo of the believer audience: prophet, resurrector, savior..One has to appreciate Ali’s quick intellect and wicked sense of humor to understand where he was coming from—and to get where the ’toon is also coming from.

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    stevebenson  about 8 years ago

    I had the following exchange with a reader who got the cartoon:.

    “Mr. Benson,.

    “I have thoroughly enjoyed your editorial drawings over your career at the Republic. You are humorous, provoke controversy, engage us emotionally, and make us think. I especially enjoy reading the letters to the editor that readers write when you have scorched their sacred cows. .“I truly believe that your thoughts today with Ali and Jesus will cause much angst in a plethora of readers. They will be appalled with that comment from Jesus. I look forward to reading their rants and outrage this week. Too bad, I can’t listen to your voice mail. That would truly be delightful.

    “Keep up the excellent work.”.-—.My reply:

    .“Thanks. I have not heard from Jesus on the cartoon, which I suppose is a good sign. :)”

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    stevebenson  about 8 years ago

    Here’s another exchange I also had about the ’toon, this time with a distraught reader:.


    “The Greatest?.“Hopefully I misinterpreted today’s cartoon, however, if you meant to insinuate that Muhammad Ali’s achievements were limited to the boxing ring, this is the most offensive, insensitive and ignorant cartoon I could imagine for this occasion..

    “If there is confusion there, read a little:.“:Regards,”._____.My reply: .

    “There is no confusion..

    “I grew up in the 1960s watching Ali lay down a string of amazing, unparalleled fights. .

    “Now, if you knew your Ali history, you would instantly recognize that the statement contained in his cartoon talk bubble is actually a direct quote from him. Jesus just happens to be agreeing with it. .

    “So you can cease your herniating hyperbole about ‘most offensive, insensitive and ignorant’ and be glad I’m here to provide essential background info for you..

    “Thanks for writing.”._____ .

    Reader’s response:.

    “Thank you for responding and thank you for a witty cartoon that went over my head and I point the ignorant arrow back squarely on myself..

    “I was not hip to that quote. Please forgive me, I grew up in the midwest in and around Chicago, then 20 years in L.A. before I moved over here recently and it’s been an eye opening experience politically and all, and not in a good way, I assure you!.

    “My earliest memories of Ali were the Foreman fight then the hard, declining years on to getting his ass kicked by Holmes. Even on the waning end, it was magical to this kid..“I used to work in the film biz in LA and I had the privilege of a sweet, private moment with him backstage at the Shrine circa mid 2000’s – it was a press conference for the G4 convention for and put on by Microsoft. He just walked out on stage and the place went bananas, standing O, tears. What a man for to simply walk out on a stage before a full room full of mostly press and foreign correspondents there to cover a nurdy gamer manufacturers convention (going on down the street at the LA Convention Center) who had no idea he was there, and this man brings them to an outpouring of exalting levels of reverence, respect and celebration; without saying a single fucking word, just walking out and acknowledging the crowd. It was simply mind-blowing, on a smaller scale as was his lighting of the Olympic torch in Atlanta..

    “Again Mr. Benson, please accept my apologies, I mostly I keep it to myself but this was Ali!!!! – and I misunderstood. Probably because I’ve always dug your work and just didn’t get that one – possibly an overreaction due to being unbeknownstly stung by the underlying ‘christian’ right et al up here..“I respect the hell out of ya for respectfully responding to me – I hope you did note that I did write that I may well have misinterpreted it in the first place..

    “Humble Regards,”.-—.

    “Apology accepted..

    “Ali was amazing. There will never be another one like him. I am incredibly sad that he is gone.”

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  6. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 8 years ago

    I don’t understand why you take the death of Ali as an opportunity to poke a stick at Christianity. As a devilishly-doodling atheist, you should have used the death of a devout Muslim as an opportunity to make light of Islam, the epitome of religious intolerance and superstition.

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  7. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 8 years ago

    No, I have the capacity to understand your insipid attempts at meaningfulness, Steve. You just happen to fail time after time, that’s all.

    Jesus didn’t appreciate Ali, Steve. You drew a picture of Jesus appreciating Ali.

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  8. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 8 years ago

    I understand your cartoons, in general, Steve. I honestly didn’t understand this one because it is incoherent. Again, there is absolutely no reason to bring up Jesus in relation to Ali’s passing, thus my confusion. You should have invoked Islam with his passing, as brave and daring as you are.

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    stevebenson  about 8 years ago

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled otherwise, unanimously finding (with Marshall abstaining) that the federal government had failed to specify how Clay had not met the constifutionslly-provided grounds for conscientious objector status.

    ..It would help if you actually read Clay v, United States (1971)...

    There will be a test.

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  10. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 8 years ago

    How do I know Jesus didn’t appreciate Ali? C’mon, that’s easy. Ali dodged punches. “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

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