Mnky laff

jimbet01 Free

I am a Social Liberal and a Political Moderate. Confused? Me too.

Recent Comments

  1. over 14 years ago on Scott Stantis

    Great Scott! Great job! RIP Mr. Kennedy.

  2. over 14 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    I’m with “spicecakes69”; Thank you Bob and thank you Teddy. Now can we please pull together and make the necessasry changes to the healthcare system in our country which, because of greed and self-interest on the part of several groups involved in health insurance and healthcare, has become out of reach for many citizens. We can do this if we stop the misinformation and work hard at compromise and doing the right thing.

  3. over 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    I’ve known a lifetime (64) of hatred and hypocrisy from the Religious Right having come from such a family. Ted K. made mistakes for which he may be judged. He was also a very good politician who fought for the poor and the downtrodden. Thanks, Ted, for all you did. Good luck at The Gate.