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  1. over 14 years ago on Steve Breen

    wtfallnamestaken is likely wrong about neocon complicity in 9-11 - however - as SNL’s church lady was fond of observing, “How convieeeenient!”

    As for the military/industrial/congressional complex that Ike warned about: Just because you’re paranoid - doesn’t mean that they’re not out to get you!

    [Spoiler alert] W’s stellar “National Security Advisor” Condi Rice repeatedly asserted “no one warned us that planes might be used as weapons” [CIA did, actually 10 times] Apparently she never read or heard of Tom Clancy’s 1994 novel “Debt of Honor” When you get to the novel’s last 12 pages, Clancy makes my point perfectly clear!

  2. over 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    How about public disclosure of the “Net Effective Tax Ratios” for various income brackets?

    Never heard of it? That’s because the fat-cats (including those in Congress) don’t want you to!

    It is simply the ratio of ALL taxes paid (including state & local sales/use tax, excise, tariffs, license fees, etc., etc.) to ALL income (from all sources, including exempt, deferred, sheltered, cap gains, cap appreciation, foreign investment, etc. etc.)

    If you ever got to see those numbers - you’d realize exactly how REGRESSIVE US taxes actually are … and how outrageous the proposed Fat (oops, guess they call it “Flat”) tax would really be.

  3. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Still trying to figure out what those 575 blokes at other end of Penn Ave are supposed to do.

    Wish they’d signed on to 1st tenet of Hippocratic oath: “First, do no harm”